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Discussion of idea that tradition must be considered old.

- Discussion of intangible culture/heritage is a living art, always reinvents itself.

Conceptual vs. technical knowledge, limitations of materials (example with working with bamboo)

- Discussion of importance of cultural exchange - How to modify this to be built by US engineers

Due to fire/city safety codes, etc. regarding national mall
this one on display has a gateway/door but you can't walk through - cannot have the experience of walking thru bamboo

Q: What is distinctly Hong Kong?

A: Hong Kong style diner, Chinese-style French toast, FP represent HK

Danny: "What is not Hong Kong? Whatever is left is Hong Kong! China would not do it."

Q: Does anyone make FP as amateurs or is it really a profession?

A: No official school to train, everyone starts out an amateur.

Q: What do the Chinese characters on the FP say?
"Every day looking up" & 30-40 proverbs
"Every day we learn."

Images bleed into each other - typical of Chinese culture. Best way to learn Chinese culture = thru proverbs

Taiwan & Shanghai donated wind chimes to this one on display, 'cause he wants sight & sound.

Built between June 18-24, 5 people constructed it.

3 weeks to take it down, begins July 6th Bamboo material

Q: What was biggest challenge itself goes back to HK

A: Food wasn't great, tools not our usual ones, only 5 ppl max - when we needed extra help/tools, there was noone.