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5) Dicing (drained) slt greens method of cutting: (horse-cutting-sounds like horse galloping)
Stuffings of shuami can vary by location and what is available locally (in costal China, shrimp, mushroom) pork can replace sausage

6) More draining of (now diced) SH greens 200 degree

7) Nix in ginger, green onion, veg oil (can also use butter), then bamboo shoots

8) Then pour in bowl stir, add little salt b/c today shumai is  sweet, sesame oil, sugar (salt brings out sugar's sweetness)

Presenter from Chenghu, Sichuan - shumai there made w/ meat & greens. Skin is thin/crisp-glass like so they call it "glass-shumai."

9) Skin prep - mis flour, salt in a bowl 500 gram of flour, 225 g water, begins boil water; once boiled add to flour, then pour in spinach juice, kneed need mixture by hand flour till it all turns green. 
(Spinach added is what makes it green, so that's why it's called jade shumai.)
10) Boil water in steamer baste bamboo basket with oil. Pinching off little bits of dough, press each into disks w/ palm of hand. Roll each disk w/ rolling pin, center should be thicker, outer should be thinner, fill w/ stuffing and pinch together in skin (make sure it's flush w/ the top)
- Although stuffings differ, shumai shape = almost the same shape is like a small vase
- Garnish each one with sausage bits, place on steamer basket and in steamer (5 mins.) to steam