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June 25 - 29; July 2 - 6, 2014  Log Sheet # 8

Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio / Video Log Sheet

Logger / Videographer: Hilda Douglas
Memory Card Number - Tascam: CFC4 20  File Name: Boma 0099
Memory Card Number - Zoom H2: CFCH 22  File Name:
Presenter: Tom Lalampaa  Date/Time: 26 June 14/4:15
Program: Kenya  Stage: Boma
Group Name: Ethnic Identity
Region / Style: Masi, Borani and Lamo

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Performer(s) | instrument / Occupation |
| --- | --- |

| 1 John Kamanga | Masi | 
| 2 Omar Diatva | [[strikethrough]] Masi [[/strikethrough]] Borani |
| 3 Mohamed Hassdam Ali | Swahili / Lamo |   

Contents / Notes (continue on back):
1. Kenya has 42 Ethnic communities (over 40 millin pop)
2. Customs ad values are different
3. Where and what community, what's unique
4. 1 John Kan[[?]] - Southern Valley Masai - live stock
5. Main source of livihood - have their own clan
6. Wear red colors to identify - community - traditionaly hides and skins (Animals)
7. Education - vary
8. Masi draw blood from the cow
Where born/ethnic background
Other [[strikethrough]] B[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] groups: Masi group and others (3) live in Southern area to Tanzania - different dialects 