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markets for their goods.
5 Boiled potatoes, corn, spring onions- mashed & seasoned into dish & sautéed in vegetable oil=Makimo
6 Customs for entertaining,
A) Host must serve a number of different dishes It is considered rude to ask guests about their preferences; therefore, you must prepare as little of everything. It is also customarily, to have as large of quantity of food.
B) Vistors are always welcome. If you are going to someone's home for dinner and you run into a friend or relative, it's expected that this person will tag-along with you to dinner. The hosts doors are open to the unexpected visitor.
C) It's something to be proud of if a lot of visitors come to your house.
D) Tag along visitors are welcome because those same people will come to your aide if you're in trouble on need help.
E) Hosts are expected to have a large quantity of tea. Milk & sugar are scarce and tea is expensive; tea was a very small amount of milk & sugar boiled w/a small quantity of tea-it looks like "dirty water"
F.) There really isn't a "national dish" of Kenyas because there are so many cultures (42)
G.) Visitors are always served coffee & coconut candles, dates, and similar sweets.
7 People traditionally drink cow's milk, but the new custom is to drink camel's milk.