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LOGGER/VIDEOGRAPHER: The Endearing-Hard-working Paul Motsuk +Linn Bunch
Memory Card Number-TASCAM: CFCH50 File NAME: Flavor_0076
PRESENTER: Lorna Abungu DATE/TIME: June 26,2014 3:15p.m.
PROGRAM: KENYA COOKING STAGE: flavors of cooking
GROUP NAME: upland cooking, upland region 1.) Kale collard greens-Sukuma WIKI
REGION/STYLE: Western Kenya 2) corn meal mush/polenta ugali.
PERFORMERS.                 Instrument/Occupation 
Emily Ondeje Oduor          cook
Alice Awur Odour            cook
Contents/notes(continue on back):
1. {Sukuma Wiki}-braise onions and cleaned and chopped kale; 
stir quickly + remove from hear, overcooking =dark green and unattractive. Chopped tomatoes are sometimes cooked w/the onions.
2.Description of Kitchen-small round house w/mothers, aunts, daughters, working together. Kitchen is made of thatch and mud. Young girls are taught manners, decorum, etc.
3. Men gather in the main house with sons, uncles, cousins. Discuss marriage, work, etc. 
4. Women cook + eat in the main kitchen; men eat in the main house. men + women do not eat together, especially in the rural areas. If a man has more than 1 wife, each wife has own kitchen.