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Mary speaks fluent Kikuyu (Carolina is half Swahili, half Kikuyu)

=) Nalima: Engage in Swahili lang by listening to the men's, poetry

=) Caro. Speaks mostly Kikuyu at family, Swahili somewhat.

= Kenyan Weddings & funerals are very different. - Weddings big is best to Kenya, everything gets recycled, things rarely get thrown away, everything gets used to the max; here it's more excessive

Felix married a Jewish woman - limit on # of people who could come, in Kenya everyone in the village comes

Carolina - US everyone is in it for themselves, in Kenya people share, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] take care of each other, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] neighbors discipline each others children.

Integration between Kenyans & the US. Often we are leading Kenya lives in America, work needed to integrate the 2 communities.

- Discussion of difficulty of getting green cards.
- Many try to come in the Country under the table but they need not encouraged to follow Stem careers (immediate green card) and nurses.
= Kenya has just turned 50 yrs. old. Kenya is the cradle of