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- Embroidery sold in auctions in China, Japan, Russia, Korea and Taiwan

- system set up to help embroiderers profit from their work

- Make embroidery works based on people's photos / portraits

- Khanga makes minimal profits but has high demand in the coastal area

- Khanga being used for one piece dresses and wallets / multi - uses now -

- how enterprise ran in the family -
-provide training to young people - started Co. to sell works of students:
- Museum
- Sales to tourists
- online sales 
=> looking for partners
- hope to have an exchange with Kenyan colleagues
- Companies made from skills gained in families in China

- In Kenya, it has stayed as a family business (twice a month to a regular business

- Note! Khanga was made in Holland & UK and shipped to Kenya during colonial period

- Embroidery industry female dominated and there are certain advantages to that

- Khanga made priority by men, despite them being worn by women

- Chinee embroidery - 1st sketch is done, then choose colors
- now we use computer to print [[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] design on material, then do embroidery - 
- Designs - traditional patterns & original designs - 
- also out of people's photos