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Her communication skills improved
Group work was difficult

11. M- thinks America is a very open culture
Africa has very rigid metaphor
Africa tends to see itself as others do.

12.M- asked how his identity shapes his behavior
Realizes he has to be "born again African"
 before he is anything else

13Q- Where they live now & about the Kenyan community
F [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] -Silver Spring MD now, before in Dallas TX
w/a huge Kenyan Community.
Now realizes - she needs to get out of the 
Kenyan community.

M- works in food movement (largest spiral movement in world)
Speaks all over country.
Food movement mainly white, affluent & graying.
He does go back to Kenya every year - working 
[[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] w/ Kenyan farmers