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long white dress- protection, Women must wear black outerwear. Before religion, woman were misused. Now women are protected.
Katherine: must understand history, 1st cent AD, people sailed to all Indian Ocean communities. Swahili are Muslim. Stretched from Mogodishu to Swahala. Trade route was Persia, etc.
All Africa - men wore loincloths, short, now long
Ali wearing konga- more religious to muslims
Women wore konga at home, 2 pieces of cloth not matched, one upper, one lower, wrapped.
Black cover worn now- outside. Konga underneath.
Caroline: (Masai) women must cover knees. Must wear (shawl) over blouse. Only ladies wear headdress- no symbolism.
Long necklace means married. Clothes must have red- Masai color.
Must wear black when killing cattle. (??) Fly whisk- tail of wildebeast. Used also as fan and in dances. Both women & men. Old men must carry. She only carries when singing. Status symbol.
Nelson Moron (?) men, fringe hat, used in celebration & singing.
on neck: women make necklaces for their man. Shukas on body, with belt. shoes use animal skins. 2 types of sticks. Ornamented with dongles used by leaders, elders while instructing.
Moron - age groups. At 18, join morandering (??), defend society
junior, elder, elder, called age grades
For women, some until grandmother. Young woman may marry man up to age of her father.
Q(Mohammed Ali) (history of dress)
Nelson: dress like this except at work.
Diana: beadwork & embroidery are well [[?]] art form.
Katherine wrapped girl from audience. One around body. OK when no unrelated men present. One over head always for unrelated men & as shows respect for father & uncles.

Transcription Notes:
"konga" should possibly be "kanga