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June 25-29; JULY 2-6, 2014      
Log Sheet #2
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Mary Sinclair 
Memory Card Number-Tascam: CFCH54 
File Name: Karibu-0216.wav
Memory Card Number-Zoom H2:CFCH53 
File Name: STE-001.wav
Presenter: Agnan oderoAgan 
Date/Time:7/4/2014 11:45
Program: Kenya 
Stage: Karibuni
Group Name: Storytelling
Region/Style: Swanill coast 

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Newton kweya | Drums / singer (zamaleo) |
| Dr Kaguodo | string instrument/singer(zamaleo) |
| Atonga Bilode | percussion/anger (zamaleo) |
| George Achiengodero | drums / singer (zamaleo) |
| Helen AlumbeNamai | singer (zamaleo) |

Contents / Notes (continue on back):
1. oral literature, folklore, storytelling
2. Zamaleo: combined word meaning " a long time ago" &  today
3. the name of the group performing
4. introduction w/song, stopped to get people to dance in the
5.audience. Dance as part of Storytelling. 
6.Audience participation- getting audience to different movements to
7."Kenya Mambo Poa" - Kenya w/ hands over head, Mambo/
8. hands stretched in front of them, poa with hands in lap
Helen starts song in response to what story in Kenya sounds like story of Fomu Lyongo-born a prince. Audience participation from women only, uluations during description of birth fingers on tongue after birth to represent bitter and sweet things in life grew into a giant, very accurate w/ a sphere, very fast, intimidating in battle