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Born during rule of oppressive kings. Fumu Lyongo writes song that ends oppression of his people
Audience participation separately for men and women
King unhappy that Fumo Lyongo more famous than him
Fumolyongo brings out horn, blows it, causes earthquake and nearly tsunami, just to let  [[strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]] town know that he was in town. King so impressed that he offered him citizenship and choice of bride
Also a great poet, composed "Popo," then sung by Zamaleo
King decides to have [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]]Fumolyongo killed, planned to shoot him while he was in a tree, but he did not climb tree
Questions opened up to the audience
Impact of the story on chilos life before chilo is even born
meaning of his name
meaning of the song "Popo,"symbolizing unfairness of the king's rule
who tells the stories in the communities
Final number after questions, audience participation indanong requested during conclusion