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(song) we want peace. You gotta get
up on stand up for Kenya
Q: Changes in what gets played? A (Bill) "something small" = bribe system collapses because of corruption. KBC couldn't play song protesting. Later "people's voice" video got rejected. Biggest setback is that journalists are fearful, even in absence of policy.
Q Do people fear when putting message out: A (Bill) fear for job, not life.
Q Does taking msg outside country help cause A (Josiph) Yes. When people come here, they see how systems should work. (Bill) Lots of interest because of incident. Journalist here took notice, got lots of attention in Kenya. (Josip) Ministry put out conflicting info on how allowances would be paid. Everything cool now. Corruption touches everything.
Q: Why can't artisan's sell crafts: A (msg??) Nat. Park Svc reg.
Smithsonian trying to find local shops to sell.
Q: Can you buy music. A(msg)CDs were on the way. Some arrived. Check online.
(song) sowa "You say I'm ugly. You say I'm old. You say I'm broke."
"Sowa" = OK