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June 25-29; July 2-6, 2014
Log Sheet #6
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Mary Sinclair 
Memory Card Number- TASCAM: CFCH54
File Name: Karibu-0220.wav
Memory Card Number- Zoom H2:CFCH53
File Name: STE-001.wav
Presenter: Aghan Odero Agan 
Date/Time:7/7/2014 2:45 PM
Program: Kenya 
Stage: Karikeni
Group Name: Traditional Percussion Instruments
Region/Style: Western Kenyan (Lou)

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| The Ramogi Dancers | Dance Performance Group |
| Odiaribo | Flutist |
| Aludo | Horn Player |
| Odianbo | Drummer |
| Ojok | Drummer |
| Apeyo | Drummer |
| Owor | Shakers Player |

Contents/Notes (continue on back): 
1. Approaching stage from behind during presentation introduction 
2.Percussionists create sound that dancers dance to: Traditional flute,
3. horn, small drum, big drum, shakers
4. Going through the sound of every instrument, one by one, introductions of musicians 
5. Oporro: traditional name for the horn
6. instruments play all together
7. what each instrument is made of: Shakers from gourds, drums from cowhide
8. and tin (differences in materials produce different drums), flute from bamboo many instruments self-made
music begins [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] again, dancers participate again- dancers wearing bells
on ankles (master choreographer dancing, age 82)
use of the bells in keeping time during dance, keeping track of steps