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-differences between U.S. laws & support for the
deaf, and especially deaf students, and those in 
-Kenya has similar laws to the Americans with
Disabilities Act; however, the law isn't enforced. They
simply passed the law & then put it aside.
- Deaf students have trouble making it into
high school. The few that do get into high school,
don't do well. It's very difficult for them to 
get assistance from teachers & passing 
tests in Swahili is difficult
-Peace Corp has been beneficial for the deaf in Kenya
as they have exposed people to different 
ways of teaching & learning
-Parents are not encouraged to lean KLS (Kenyan
Sign Language)
-Some TV programs have sign language interpreters; 
a very few programs are close-captioned 
-Any official organizations on federally-sponsered 
groups in the country? One school for dead 
girls from all of East Africa in Kenya
Some organizations for teachers
What does she miss in the U.S.? In Kenya, people are
friendly & drop in & visit all the time w/o calling ahead. In the 
U.S. people have to make appointments before visiting. 
Goal- to Return to Kenya & improve the quality of education
for teachers for the deaf.

Transcription Notes:
& not +