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Sampson - no woman shape? men are cooked for, then call all friends to help
women prepare local made beer- start w/ cone shaped roof. thin walls are cylenders 
position of door must face gate of first wives house must have 2 doors-
family man has 1, relatives must use other door- cone roof has a stick
if the stick is broken the man of the house is dead identifys a widow -

Nuria - big hut only one family, but if he has many wives. the bigger the hut the older the wife. circular first wife will be at gate, all cattle in middle-  
Malika - each wife up to 4 wives. first is wife gets main house- & no order
Suffan- men allowed to marry 10,7,5? big homestead. center is owners home
Samson - polygamy optional. hilly country. most of the plots were divided hill top to river. first wife upper side. youngest close to river. main house will be the house of the first wife. man has his own house - women visit the men

Nuria - children can sleep anywhere - entire community - food, farm, water
Malika - communally, eat together all girls (have one) & boys (have another) have own hut
Suffan - share everything- sleep anywhere, all care for all
Sampson - children will prefer to be together - mothers advocate for attention of father- 
women will try to influence man w/ good food. so they pay attention to child-
no communal - food competition

Suffan- marriages are planned women men 20 yrs old
Malika - girls 14 yrs, don't have arranged, when boy; girl agree then tell families-
Nuria - girls 12-14, now changes- girls now marry taller boys if a girl then negotiable - here to look at clan - then bring to elders- 

husbands wants to marry another - do wife here say
Nuri - wife must be part of process, no children or girls, manpower
Malika - new wife coming to help, but its difficult, he can only take a new wife if everything is equal if not so the wife is taken back by community
Suffane- men dont tell the wives, if father gives permission then okay-

Are there enough women to go around? - more
materials do you use for construction- how do you avoid fire-
Nuri - our mechanism - children taught to avoid- stories of fire-
Malika- timber, sticks & grass, prone to floods-keep house cool w/ thick layer of grass. easily movable- or replaceable- center pole supports house, its another w/our [[strikethrough]] hou [[strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to format the very bottom. The line that leads to "Center pole supports" and "house, its another w/ out"