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monira Kavosa Anyonge - started to think and develop 1 1/2 years ago
how do we bring Kenya "living: working w/ wildlife".
how communities here turned their perceptions of wildlife - benifits -
is important to share - need comm. to appreciate & share showcase us co-existing and benifiting one another -
Tom (1) - these 2 week phinominal - uplifting walked through museums & monuments when we believed in our values.
(2) opportunity to meet w/ diaspora & Kenyan
(3) friendship of fellow Kenyans - interactions w/ other tribes -
* 50 yr. anniversary in two years bring all participants together firework of culture
understanding of culture is key. wildlife will always remain our center -
Patrick - knock our walls down - right of cultural democracy - experiencial museum
questions - 
? - if All people only know wildlife/runners, when else should we know?
- Monira - diversity. cooking, art work - 42 ethnic tribes
- Tom - besides running culture is its people, and being wilderness -
- Patrick - our education I could draw every country now I see context - by Kenya is only known from TV. images these 2 wks. give us an opportunity to share our oral traditions- everything is a story and you are welcome
I will share my food, give you my mat and sleep on the floor - communal - no boundaries - no need to call just come. interaction w/ nature caretaking -
Patrick, when you want to make a house you call friends cook for them, and 7 days you have a house - we are a community - by building this demo house I have
found we are a larger community - we didn't have enough bottles - they were canned
? why sort of coop Kenya Uganda & Tanzania, around lake Victoria - regarding environmental issues
Patrick - a causeway was built, and many fish died. management - new constitution
allows more local management - water sanitation comm w/ French to help-bottom [[up arrow]] Top [[up arrow]]
look when happens when strangers meet-

*Ugan adero - director of the Kenya cultural system - a celebrated storyteller
along journy - back four years as plans come together for Kenya (Kenya 52 african)
finding a platform for Americans to meet East Coast of Africa

Whats the big deal? experience - we had to sell this idea to our leaders-
not only elephants & lions but bring a human story - allow Kenyans to learn
more about themselves. 42 different ethnicities

What unites us is greater than what divides us-

Transcription Notes:
No need to point out the correct spelling. Fixed a few errors, but the transcription still need to checked at the bottom.