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L. Freer

To S. Bing   Dr.
Detroit, April 1st, 1897. 189 
Address, 19 Rue Chaucat, Paris

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| For this amount,, being payment for the following purchases made for Mr. Freer at Goncourt Sale:- |   |   |
| 1 Corean Bowl, 210 francs | $44 78 = | 231 F |
| 1 Bowl by Shonsui, 84 francs. | 17 90 = | 92.4 F |
| 1 Satsuma Pot. 1050 francs | 223 85 = | 1155 F |
| Total 1344 francs | 286 53 = | 1478.4 F |
| Commission 10% 134.40 francs |   |   |
| 1478.40 francs at 19.4 |   | 286 53 |

As per attached bill.

Correct, H A B Aikman  Approved, C L Freer
RECEIVED OF C. L. FREER. Two x hundred eighty six and 53/100 DOLLARS, IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT.
April 5th 1987  per. pro. L. Bings Enrique Baez.

Transcription Notes:
corrected table format, signatures