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Indian Art Gallery
428 Oxford Street. London. W.
18 June 1897
M Charles L Freer Lqre 
Bought of Procer & Co.
Indian Jewellers & Importers of Works of Art. from Bombay, Madras, Bengal, Agra, Delbi &c
Metal, Wood, Ivory, Fabrics & Pottery

289 Burmes Silver Casket  £30 00


to send them on in a few days time as they have now arrived. Am forwarding you a drawing of a fine old Burmese Casket that was captured at the taking of Mandalay Palace by an officer high in the British service, who retired from the Army on pension, has speculated on the stock 

it is now lined with cedarwood for use as a Cigar Cabinet - the price is £30- and is good value on this market. My people have permission to [[?]] it

Procter Co.

Transcription Notes:
You do not put page 1 page 2 etc in the transcription box please read instructions Letter is a copy of next page Added £30 00 removed lines and indents Separated out the four pages from each other since there's a lot of partial information.