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428, Oxford St., London.
London, 28 May 1897



Dear Mr Faeer.

We have duly reached England for our summer Holiday and find the weather anything but encouraging
Your two friends apparently turned off at Suez as I saw nothing of them - cannot blame them - tho' as a matter of fact pure bred Europeans are absolutely immune to the Bubolic Fever -
I have not forgotten your boxes and hope to send them on in a few days time as they have now arrived -
Am forwarding you a drawing of a fine old Burmese Casket that was captured at the taking of Mandalay Palace by an Officer high in the British service, who retired from the Army on pension, has speculated on the Stock Exchange, and lost so heavily, that he has to realize, and this casket is consequently, in the market - when found was full of King Thesbaws Jewellry. it is now lined with cedar wood for use as a Cigar Cabinet - the price is £30, and is good value on this market.
My people have permission to hold it

Transcription Notes:
Should be King Thibaw, not sure about the extra S in the text