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are better than Letters of Credit, Bills of Exchange, Circular Notes, or Bank Drafts, being more available, economical and safer than any other form of Travelers Credit.

Cased by principal banks and bankers, and accepted by hotels throughout the World.

Traveler's signature Secures and Identifies him.

Cheques issued for printed amount of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, each Cheque showing its fixed Foreign Money Equivalent.

Cheques, rates and further particulars can be obtained from any Agent of this Company, also from Banks and Bankers representing us throughout the United States and Canada.


The COMPANY transacts a GENERAL EXPRESS BUSINESS to and from EUROPE, by the fastest mail and passenger steamers crossing the Atlantic, having agencies at the principal cities abroad.

Merchandise and passenger's baggage from Europe are carried by this Company to inland ports of the United States, also to Canada and Mexico, in bond, without the delay of Customs examinations and free of brokerage or cartage charges at New York or Boston.


For remitting money by mail anywhere in the World, this Company's Money Order possesses advantages over all other methods.

1st. The rates are less than by any other safe method.

2d. There is no delay or inconvenience in purchasing orders; no written application to fill out. A messenger can transact the business for you.

3d. The person receiving the order does not have to wait for a letter of advice, neither is he required to take order to any particular place to get it cashed. Any merchant, bank or banker, railroad or express agent, will cash this Company's orders without discount.

4th. There is no possibility of loss. Purchaser is given a receipt which will insure a refund in case order is lost.

5th. This Company will sell you postage stamps at cost, furnish envelopes free in which to inclose Money Orders, and mail such letters for you.

RATES FOR ORDERS, Payable in Any Pary of the World:
$ 5 ...... 5c.
10 ...... 8c. 
20 ......10c.
$30 ......12c.
40 ......15c.
50 ......18c.
$60 ......20c.
75 ......25c.
100 ......30c.
Over $100 at above rates.

purchases or obtains for patrons any article at any place where the Company has an Agency, returning same in the quickest possible time, without extra cost for such special service beyond what would be paid if goods were ordered direct. Patrons save stationery and postage and avoid the many annoying delays incident to ordering direct through the mails.

Effects sales through reputable Commission Merchants of all kinds of Country Produce, Fruit or other shipments consigned to it. Consignments disposed of to best advantage. Returns certain and immediate.

And performs with intelligence and discretion any other legitimate service that it can properly undertake.

For full information and supply of Order Blanks, apply to any agent of the Company.

are made by this Company with great promptness between points in U.S. and Canada, also Cable Transfers to Europe. Rates: for $10 of less, in currency or gold, one per cent. (minimum charge fifty cents) and cost of telegraph service. For rates for larger sums apply to Agents.