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Japanese Fine Arts

Bill Presented First of Every Month.  380 Boylston Street

Brought forward 590 75 [[checkmark]]

[[5 Columned Table]]
|   |   |   |   |   |  
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   | Brought forward | 590 75 | [[checkmark]]|
| 591 [[checkmark]] | 1 | Mempei Jar Pale blue with brown decorations | 40.00 | [[checkmark]] |
| 577 [[checkmark]] | 1 | Seto Tea Jar dark brown with incised circular decorations | 21.00 | [[checkmark]] |
| 530 [[checkmark]] | 1 | Kenzan Tea Bowl grey with decorations cock & | 12 00 | [[checkmark]] hen
| 34 [[checkmark]] | 1 | Satsuma a cup - grey with two figures | 6 00 | [[checkmark |
| 20 [[checkmark]] | Collection small Pottery Boxes - 60 pieces | 36 00 | [[checkmark]] |
| * | 1 | pc. Decorated Satsuma Jar | 275 00 | [[checkmark]] |
| * | 1 | Satsuma Water Jar | 125 00 | [[checkmark]] |
| [[checkmark]] | 1 | pr Yeitoku 2 fold Screens [[checkmark]] | 475 00} | Bamboo & Pine Tree Bamboo branches |
| [[checkmark]] | 1 | Small 2 fold Screen by "Okio" [[checkmark]] | 150 00 |  |
|   | 1 | Small Children's Toys (asstd.) Gifts | [[checkmark]] 1 50 |  [[checkmark]] 1732 25 |

| * |   | Charged to W. J. McBride, American Car & Foundry Co. 
(2 Satumas & [[strikethrough]] 22 [[/strikethrough]] 10 Dishes) 
10 Dishes not 22 |   | 422 00 [[checkmark]] |
|   |   |   |   | 1310 25 [[checkmark]] mg|