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| Augt. 26th 1869. #210 * | Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc. Jas. B. Simmons Cor. Secretary. See L.B. Vol 5 Augt 27 '69. File | New York August 18th 1869. States that they are doing their utmost to find the right man for New Orleans. Solicits aid for a building for a boarding hall in connection with Wayland Seminary. |

| Augt. 27th #211 | Alabama Edwin Beecher Supt Education. 1 Enclo Augt 28th Retd. approved. The expenditure will be made in the usual manner. | Montgomery Ala. August 23rd 1869. Forwards recommended, request of A.W. McCullough for $150. to aid in construction of school house in Madison Co |

| Augt. 27th #212 | Alvord, Rev. J.W. Genl Supt. Education Augt. 28th Refd. to Supt Ed. Miss. approved. Expenditure to be made in the usual manner | Washington D.C. August 27th 1869. Transmits commn. of Benj. A. Lee, Cashr. Freed. Sav. Bank Vicksburg Miss. forwarding letter of W.H. Buchanan, Supt. Schools U.P. Board of Missions, asking appropriation of $600. to complete repairs on school building at that place, & recommends that the same be granted. |

| Augt. 28th #213 | Am. Miss. Assn. C.H. Howard. Inspector. Augt. 30th Retd. with orders enclosed as requested. | Chicago Ill. August 25th 69. Requests that S.W. Clark, Asst. Inspr. be ordered to Mo. on public business to visit Ironton, Fulton, Tory, Westport & Warrensburg to cover journey commencing August 24 '69. |

| Augt 28th #214 | Alabama E Beecher Supt Edn. Augt. 30 Retd. EB vol 5 p 508 | Montgomery Ala. August 24th 1869. Encloses letter of Mr Cravath in response to purchase of school building at Athens. States that the price is $2000. & that it will require $500. to put in good condition |

| Augt. 28th 1869 #215 * | Alabama E. Beecher Supt. Education See A.174. Vol 14 '69. 2 Enclo File | Montgomery Ala. August 24th 1869 Encloses letter of J.W. Booth giving information desired in letter of Genl Whittlesey of July 22nd. States that the application called for $1200. & now suggests that only $700. be apptd. by the Bu. as $500. can be raised by the cold. people. |

| Augt. 30th #216. * | Arkansas W.M. Colly Supt Education Augt. 30th Referred to C.D.O. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9, 75 WGP | Little Rock Ark August 25th 1869 Forwards vouchers for pay & room rent for August 1869. |

| Augt. 30th #217 * | Am. Bap. Home Miss. Society. James B. Simmons. Cor. Secy. File | New York August 28th 1869. States that he has word from Augusta that the Methodists are endeavoring to get control of that field, & asks that the Commr. & Col. Lewis do not allow it. |

| September 3d 1869. #218. | Asst Adjt General Vincent Thos M Sept. 4th Referred to John Q. Hodges Claim Agent Norfolk Va | Washington D.C. Septr. 1st 1869. In reply to letter of inquiry of John Q. Hodges Claim Agent Norfolk Va. of the 18th of August. States that the Dept does not contemplate rescinding his order of suspention, and that further correspondence on the subject will not be noticed |