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| September 20th 1869 #234 | Alabama Edwin Beecher Supt of Education Sept 21. Return approved to be paid out of amt limited to Ala. Sept 1st 1869. | Montgomery, Ala September Sept 16th, 1869 Recommends that on appropriation of $450 be made for school house at Eufaula built last winter at cost of $3300 $50 for sliding doors & $400 for furniture |

| Sept. 20th # 235. | Alabama | Montgomery Ala Edwin Beecher Supt of Education Sept 21. Return approved EB 536. Vol 5. | Montgomery Ala Sept 16th 1869. Forwards application of Co Supt of Ed for Macon Co Ala. for aid in purchasing building for school purposes at Tuskeegee Ala  States that he has been to see the building in question and recommends the appropriation of $300 be made. also states that the land will be properly deeded &c |

| Sept 20th #236 | Alvord J W Genl Supt of Education Sept 21. Returned to Genl Supt of Ed. with suggestion that this application be withdrawn for the present. | Washington D.C. Sept 20th 1869.  Forwards recommended application of W.G. Wynn for appointment as 2nd class clerk. |

| Sept. 21st #247. | A G Office Kelton J C A.A. Genl. File | Washington D.C. Sept 20th 1869.  In reply to letter of the 6th inst requests further information on the subject.  asks if the decision asked for is whether an officer can receive the pay of an officer of the P.O. Dept in addition to his army pay.  Refers to Act of Sept 30th 1850 S.1. (Brightleys signed) 1789 to 1867 p 821. S 43. |

| September 22 1869 #238. | Adjutant Genls office Kelton J.C. Act General 1 Enclosure File | Washington D.C. Sept 21st 1869 Returns certificate of Elijah Chatman as a recommendation for employment as a fraud.  States that the names attached viz J Ed Doughty & John F Cook were neither of these officers in the 2nd U.S. Troops that Chapman was not a member of F Co of that Regt as alleged also that the discharge prevented was that of Edwd Muller of F Co 2nd asst. which had been mutilated by the erasure of the name of Muller & that of Elijah Chapman substituted. The Discharge is on file in that office subject to the order of the Soldier to whom it belongs |

| Sept 22d * #239. | Alvord H.W. Genl Supt of Education 1 Enclo. File | Washington D.C. Sept 22d 1869. Forwards list of civil employers in Ed Division |

| Sept 25th #240 | Adjutant Genls Office Kelton J.C. A.A. Genl. Sept 28 Returned Adjt. Genl. U.S.A. with official copies of orders enclosed as requested. | Washington D.C. Septr 23rd 1869.  Forwards from 3rd Aud. vouchers from a/cs of Col K. Smith Jr A.Q.M. for verification of certain orders with the request hat the Commissioner will cause to be furnished with return of these papers.  official copies of enclosed S.O. from Hd Qrs Asst Com. Bureau &c State of Georgia, | 

| Septr. 25th #241 | Adjutant Generals Office Kelton J.C. AA General H #90. Vol 15 Sept 27th Referred to Bt Maj D.G. Swaim A.D.C. 2nd Lieut 10th Cav Recd back See EB Vol 5. p 555 | Wash. Sept 24th 1869 Referring to endt of 18th inst relative to the retention of Bt. Maj D.G. Swaim 2d Lt 10th Cav as A.D.C. States that he can be retained upon that duty if he requests the revocation of the transfer to County in order that another (awaiting orders) may be transferred. The Genl of the Army thinks if Maj Swain elects to be relieved from the County it will be to his disadvantage. |