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| Nov. 10th 1869 #268. | Am. Miss. Assn. E.P. Smith. Field Secretary. File Nov. 10th EB Vol 6 p 19. Nov. 17. EB. Vol 6 p. 28. | New York Nov. 1st 1869. Requests appropriation for rental of normal school building as follows: Atlanta Ga. from July 1st 1869. $150. pr. mo. Nashville Tenn. (Fisk University) from July 1st 69. $150. pr. mo. Talladega Ala. from July 1st 1869. $150 pr. mo. Hampton Va. from July 1st 1869. $175. pr. mo. and Charleston S.C. from October 1st 1869 $150. pr. month. At no point does this rental exceed 8% of the value of the property and the average not over 5%. |

| Nov 10th #269 * | Am. Miss. Assn. E.P. Smith Field Secretary. Nov. 10th Refd. to Supt. Edn. Ga. E.B. Vol 6 p 18. Nov. 17th Recd back E.B. vol 6 p 18. | New York Nov 1st 1869. Requests an appropriation of $2.750. to complete the normal school building at Atlanta Ga. |

| Nov 18th #270 | Am. Miss. Assn. E.P. Smith Field Secretary Nov. 10th 10th Refd. to Supt. Edn. Ala. E.B. Vol 6 p 19 Nov. 24 Recd. back E.B. Vol 6 p. 36. Decr. 21 Retd to Col Beecher E.B. Vol 6 p. 70. | New York Novr. 1st 1869. Requests an appropriation of $5.500. to complete the normal school buildings at Talladega Ala. |

| Nov. 15th #271 | Alvord J.W. Genl. Supt. Education. Nov. 15th Referred to H.R. Pease for investigation and recommendation Decr 15 Recd. back. E.B. Vol 6 p. 62 | Washington D.C. Novr. 15 '69. Forwards request of Joel Wood Agent "Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends" for appn. of $1.500. to aid in construction of school house on ground owned by that assn. at Jackson Miss. |

| Nov 16 #272 | Adjutant Generals Office E.D. Townsend Adjt. Genl. Nov 17th Retd. E.B. Vol 6 p. 27. | Washington Nov 12th 1869. Requests information relative to discharge of Leopold Schneider late Co I. 17th Infty. |

| Nov. 17th 1869 #273 * | Am. Miss. Assn. Geo. Whipple. Secy. File See L.B. Vol 6 Nov. 19 '69 | New York Nov. 16 '69 Forwards address to Secy. War to be submitted to Congress recomd'g that the Bu. be consolidated into an Educational Department. |

| Nov 20 #274 | Adjutant General's office E.D. Townsend. Adjt. General. Nov 30. Refd. to W.P. Drew. Dec. 11. Recd. back. E.B. Vol 6. p. 55. Dec. 21. forw'd to A.G.O. E.B. Vol 6 p. 70. | Washington D.C. November 19th 1869. States that Genl S.W. Crawford, Comd'g Post Huntsville Ala. referred papers relative to Jno. N. Griffin Co. A. 1st Ala. Cavy. to Col. D.C. Briggs Sub. Ass. Commr. June 24th '68 for information, & requests that they be returned with the information desired. |

| Nov. 20th #275 | Alabama. E. Beecher. Supt. Edn. Returned with authority to spend $1.500.00 in construction of school house at Union Springs Ala. | Montgomery Ala. November 16th 1869. Recommends appn. of $1500. to assist in building school house at Union Springs, Bullock Co. Ala. |

| Nov. 22. #276 | Alabama. E. Beecher. Supt. Education. 1 Encl. Nov 23d referred to C.Q.M for examination. Nov. 25 Recd. back. E.B. Vol 6. p 38 | Montgomery Ala. November 17th 1869. States that the purchase of property at Athens Ala. has been completed, & forwards contract for repairs to same amt'g to $1500. |

| Nov. 20. #277 * | Arthur, Samuel Telegram File | Philadelphia Pa. November 20th 1869. "Situations accepted will write this evening." |

| Nov. 24th #278 | Am. Miss. Assn. E.M. Cravath. Secy. & Treasurer. 176 Elm St. Nov. 25th Refd to J.W. Alvord for exam'n. | Cincinnati Ohio. Nov. 22, 69. Forwards for payment bill for rent of 30 school buildings in Ky. amt'g to $300. |