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| Nov. 25th 1869 #279 * | Arthur, Saml. Case of Jay Cooke & Co. 114 S. 3rd Street Filed with p70. | Philadelphia Penna November 20th 1869 Wishes to know the amount of pay he is to receive & whether he will be furnished with transportation. |

| Nov. 30. #280 | Am. Miss. Assn. E. P. Smith, Agent. Nov. 30. Refd. to Dr Vogell for any inf'n he may be able to furnish respecting the within named barracks. See V 13. Retd. E.B. Vol 6. p. 56. | New York. Novr. 29th, 1869. States that the Assn. has purchased 700 acres of land at Dudley N.C. on which they are colonizing freedmen & requests that the Govt. Barracks at Goldboro be turned over to the Assn. & be used as school for these people. |

| Decr. 1. #281 | Alabama. E Beecher Supt. Education. Decr. 2. Retd. appr. | Montgomery Ala. November 27th 1869. Recommends an Appn of $500 for repairs to building to be used for school purposes on lot deeded to trustees at Sparta Ala. |

| Decr. 1. #282 | Alabama. E Beecher Supt. of Education. Decr.2. Retd. Leave of absence for 15 days granted orders canceled | Montgomery Ala. November 27th 1869. States that one of his eyes has been seriously affected for some time back & that he is obliged to go immediately to Cincinnati for treatment. Hopes the emergency will be a sufficient excuse for his absence; if not, that he can only surrender his position, & c. |

| Decr. 2. #283 Copy to Capt. Slater | Adjutant General's Office. E.D. Jonnsen Adjutant General Decr 3. Refs. to W.P. Drew for report Decr. 20 EB. vol 6 p. 69. | Washington D.C. Nov. 30th 1869.  Refers commd of Jams M.M. Cloon Huntsville Ala, desiring to be informed of the nature of the evidence on file against him in  A.G.o. and requests to be informed of any avidence that may be on file with Ba. in reference to this person. |

| Decr. 2nd 1869. #284| Am. Miss. Assn. C.H. Howard Secretary Decr 3. Refd. to J.W. Alvord for examination. Dec. 114. Rcd. back. E.B. vol.b.p. 58.| Chicago Ill. November 29th 1869. Forwards an irregular schedule of schools in Texas amtg to $120  & requests payment thereof. |

| Decr. 8. #285 | Andell C.J. John's Island Decr. 9 retd with infor that Genl. Scott has been apptd spl agent for collection of these dues he having made the loans. |Charleston S.C. December 2nd 1869. Desires to know if the commr. authorizes the collection of dues for rations issued to planters. &c. to be made by his agent in Charleston. |

| Decr. 10. #286 | Arkansas. Henry Paige, Agent & D.O. Decr.11. referred to J.W. Alvord. Decr. 15. Recd. back E.B. Vol b.p. 60. Decr. 18. E.B. Vol b.p.67. | Little Rock. Ark. December 2nd 1869. Forwards commr. of School Board of Little Rock stating that if Mr. Colby is to occupy the Marion School building with them they will be compelled to vacate.&c. as his conduct is unpleasant to them. |

|Decr. 11. #287 * | Adjutant General's Office E.D.Townsend Adjutant General L.B. Dec. 12th 1869. vol. 6. File | Washington D.C. December 11th 1869. Requests to be furnished by the 13th inst. with an estimate of the amount required by the Bureau for postage during the next fiscal year in case the franking privilege is discontinued. |

|Decr. 16. #288 | Alabama E.Beecher. Supt. Edn. Decr 16. Refd to J.W. Alvord. | Montgomery Ala. December 11th 1869. Requests supply of Teachers Monthy Reportrs |

|Decr. 17. #289 * | Alvord. J.W. Genl Supt. Edu Dgo. H 100. n 122.123.124 & 142 vol15 '69 filed together. File | Washington D.C. Decr. 8th 1869. Submits report of his investigation of school matters in North Carolina. made in accordance with s.o.172. c.s. B.R.F. & A.L.|