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| Decr. 18. 1869. #290 * | Am. Bapt. Home Mission. Jas. B. Simmons. Cor. Secy. L.B. vol. 6. Decr. 18' 69. File | New York Decr 16' 1869. States that a commission of three from their mission will visit the Commr. on the 21st inst. to confer upon matters connected with Edl. interests. |

| Decr 20 * 291 | Alabama. Edwin Beecher. Supt. Education. Decr 21. Retd. approved. | Montgomery Ala. Decr. 16. 1869. Recommends an appn of $1275.00 to aid in building school house on lot deeded for school purposes at Florence Ala. |

| Decr 20. #292 | Alabama. E. Beecher Supt. Edn. Decr. 21. Retd. approved. | Montgomery Ala. December 15. 1869. Recommends an appn of $200. to aid in building school house in Marshall Co. on lot deeded for school purposes. |

| Decr 22. #293 | Am. Miss. Assn. E.P. Smith. Field Secy. A. 37. Vol 16 '70. [[strikethrough]] File [[/strikethrough]] Feby. 26 '70. Refd. to Col. Geo. Gibs, Supt. Edn. Fla. approved for $100.00 per month. | New York Decr 20' 69. States that the A.M.A. have taken charge of Normal School at Jacksonville Fla & requests that the Assn. be allowed $125. per mon rental from Nov. 1st '69. |

| Decr 22. #294 | Am. Miss. Assn. E.P. Smith. Field Secy. A. 37. Vol 16 '70. File | New York. Decr. 20 '69. States that the A.M.A. have purchased a large tract of land at Dudley N.C. for the purpose of locating freedmen, & requests an appn of $1300- to aid in erecting a building for school & religious purposes, the amt to be accounted for in labor & material to D. Vogell. |

| Decr 22 1869. #295 * | Am. Bap. Home Mission. Messrs. Bishop, Armitage &c. L.B. Vol 6. Decr. 22 '69. File | New York. Decr 20th 1869. Submit set of Resolutions passed at the meeting of the Board on 9th inst. &c. |

| Decr 27th #296 | Adjutant Generals office E.D. Townsend Jany 1st 1870. Referred to Genl. Balloch. C.D.O. for report. Jany 7. Recd back See EB p 81. vol 6. | Washington D.C. Decr 23rd 1869 Refers order from Court of Claims for certain evidence to be used in the trial of the case, of Joseph M. Brown late Capt & A Q M now pending before the court. |

| Decr 27th #297 | Alabama Edwin Beecher Supt. of Education. | Montgomery Ala Decr 22nd 1869 Forwards for approval contracts & specifications for repairing school building at Athens Ala States that it is in reality a purchase the price to be paid is $2000 of which the Am. Miss Assn. pays $500 for this reason he has not been as particular about the specifications as he might have been. Decr 23rd 1869. Referred to Chief Q.M. for examination. Dec.30. Recd back correct except that the blank for date of completion has not been filled in. Retd. approved. attn invited to foregoing Endt. of C.Q.M. One copy of contract filed with C.D.O. |

| Decr 30th #298. * | Alvord J.W. Genl Supt of Ed. Filed with R. 16. vol 16th 1870. | Washington D.C. Decr 28th 1869 Forwards communication of L. E. Rice Supt of Ed Wilmington N.C. acknowledging receipt of Ed Form 6. with recommendation that Dr H.C. Vogell be instructed to furnish L.E. Rice Esq with information of such property as was last reported to the Bureau in order that he (Rice) may accurately fill the blanks. Jany 4. 1870. Referred to Dr Vogell who will furnish Mr Rice the within requested information |