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| December 30th 1869 #299 | Alvord, J.W. Genl Supt of Edn. Jany 4th 1870 Returned. E.B. p. 77. vol 6. | Washington D.C. Decr 28 1869 Forward communication of John Lynch forwarded by E.W. Mason Supt of Ed for La. recommends an appropriation of Six hundred (600) Dollars in material to aid in the erection of school house on Illavance Plantn.  Carroll Parish La. The Trustees will give the required pledges. |

| Decr 30th #300 * | Alvord J.W. Genl Supt of Ed. File | Washington D.C. Decr. 30th 1869 Refers reply of R.M. Manly Supt of Ed for Va to letter of Genl Supt of Ed. of 20th inst relative to complaint of Lt Ayers that the school buildings at Yorktown & Magruder were not used and that they were going to decay, and requests that this be considered as a reply to letter of A A A Genl relative to the same subject. Cites in detail his efforts to establish schools at the points named both by the aid of the societies & the freedman themselves. States that the buildings at Yorktown & Magruder stand on land which can neither be bought nor leased for any specified time yet there is no immediate objection to their remaining & being used as heretofore. In his opinion, they should used as for schools where they are as long as the owner of the land will permit it. when he shall insist on their removal that they be removed to some suitable site or sold & proceeds invested in new building as may appear best at the time. |

| #301 * | Alvord, J.W. Genl Supl. Edn. Offl. extract referred by Supt. Edn. Va. File | Washington D.C. Oct 5th 1869 Forwards commn. of Benj. S. Ewell who states that a colored school ought to be established at Williamsburg Va., and recommends that the Supt. Edn. for Va. be directed to investigate & report on the case. |