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| August 7, 1869. #87 | Ballock Geo.W. Bt. Brig. Genl. & Chief D.O.| Washington D.C. August 7, 1869. Forwards recommended application of H.C. Vogells Supt. of Education N.C. for appointment of Geo. O. Spooner as Clerk in his office at $100 per month.|

| Augt. 10th #88 * | Brown. A.K. Attorney &c. | Washington D.C. August 1869. In compliance with instructions forwards report of Marshal Gooding for fees &c. in case of Nellie C.Skelton vs John Kelshner $11.80.|

| Augt. 10th #89 | Butler. Berry. F. General. R.D. Whitney Secretary 7 enclo. Augt. 10th Enclosed Genl Canby in letter of this date.| Washington D.C. August 7th 1869 Forwards letter & papers from Richard Lacy (colored) who applies for protection for the freedpeople on tract of land known as Taylor's Farm. Willoughby's Point. norfolk Co. va. |

| Augt. 14th #90 |Ballock. Geo W Chief Disbursement officer. Augst. Retd to J.Runkle with appt enclosed as requested | Washington D.C. August 13th 1869. Forwards & recommends application of of B J. Runkle for increase of salary of Mr. Barnes his chief clerk with remarks that state the chief clerks of all the Supts. of Education except live receive $125. pr month. Mr. Cook chf clerk to Mr.Alvord gets $175 & also teaches in H.W. & receive som pay. Mr Spenser chf. clerk to Mr. Mansby in va. gets $150 &.$25 a month to Chris F.S.&I. Co. as an experienced clerk Mr. Barnes is equal to either of them & his duties in Ky are equal to those of Mr Spencer in Va. |

|August 16th #91 | Botticher. Otto Agent of the Consulate General of the North German Union Sept 3d Returned no record in this office| New York. July 12th 1869. Asks information relative to the whereabouts of Hermann Siedenbrang a native of Wismar. Germany. who was employed in Freed. Bu. in La. or Miss. from 1864 to '66. |

|August 20. 1869. #92 | Banes A S & Co see B33 voll.4 & Br09. Aug. 21. Referred to Col [[? Boman }}for report | New York Aug 6. 1869. Write respecting a claim of C.A. Myers on the Freedmens Bureau. Letter forwarded on the 23d inst.|

|August 25 1869. #93 | Brown J M Bvt Maj & D.O. Aug 25 Recpt returned to Maj Brown letter of revocation & leave of absence granted. |Washington D.C. Aug 25 1869. Forwards approved letter of E.J. Maddox resigning his position as clerk in Bureau & c. and requesting leave of absence be granted him for 30 days from 25 inst. |

| Augst. 26th. #94 | Blackman H.G. Mississippi City. Miss. Augt 27th Referred & C.D.O. [[?]] will please answer this commr. | Lake Providence La. August 20th 1869. Asks redress for those who suffered from embezzlement of funds. proceeds of the sale of their cotton by T.H. Hanson Agent B.R.F. & A.L. |

| Augst. 26th. #95 | [[?Blansleth]] P.M. See I.153. & L.B. Vols 5 Augt. 28 '69 | Hadley Mass. Augst. 25th '69. Writes relative to contract for [[?]] Marysville College in Tenn. which was left by him with Genl Geo Littlesay on the 8th July. Requests that Capt. Walker of Knoxville be authorized back for the Govt in this case. |