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| October 7th 1869 #112. | Balloch Geo W Bvt Brig Genl and Chief D O | Washington D.c. Oct 7th 1869 Forwards for information of the A.A.A. Genl statement of Money a/c of B Lt Col E.C. Beman D.O. State of La. as per enclosed list | 

|October 7th #113 | Brown J.M. Bt Lieut Col and Chief Qr Mr | Washington D.C, Oct 7th 1869 Reports that Col. E.C. Bunan D.O. has made returns of property for which he is accountable down to & incl. Augt 1868. The Augt returns recd July 13 69 & forwarded to 3rd Aud: Aug 20. 1869. |

|Oct 8th #114 * | Brackett N.C. Agent & Treas. Stover College Oct 9th Referred to Chief D.O. approved for $2000. Rec'd back and filed. Nov'r 9th 1874 w.g.p.| Harpers Ferry Oct 8th 1869 Requests an appropriation of $2000 for repairs of buildings of Stover College States that the reasons for making this application and the necessities of the college and fully known to the Commissioner and earnestly hopes the appropriation will be made. |

| Oct 8th #115 | Brown Hon C.C. Oct 20th Returned EB p 56/ vol 5 | Washington D.C. Oct 7th 1869. States that his attention has been called to certain allegations published over the signature of T.J. Mackey. who claims to have been examiner of ops in Bu RF & AL, and thus became acquainted with the evidence on which the writer was committed to prison by Genl Siekles in 1867. Wishes to know what position mackey held in the Bureau, and whether any such evidence is on file there and his arrest was in accordance with orders from Bureau Hd Qr wishes to k now the grounds of the arrest|

|October 13th 1869 #116 | Bond Hugh S. Oct 14th Returned Civ 2 C.S. from this office enclosed. | Baltimore Md Oct 12th 1869 States that a negro woman who was sold from Stanford Co Md nine or ten years ago writes to him from Montgomery Ala. to ask assistance in returning to her mother & children. Asks if she can receive aid Requests answer |

| Oct. 12th #117 * | Benthian Victor 280 Bronne St. N>Y. 1 Enclosure Filed P.L.B. vol 6 Oct 14 69 | New York Oct 12th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of the letter from the Commissioner dated Sept 24th 1869. States that he is in very distressing circumstances: has no means to pay a weeks lodging. Has not heard from Vicksburg. Requests employment at however small compensation. |

| Oct 14th #118 | Barber A.S. Principal N. & T. Dept Howard University Oct 14. Referred to Col [[? Brown ]] to know if the scale and [[?]] Land. Recd back with rept & Returned E.B. p 509 vol 5 | Washington D.C. Oct 14th 1869 States that two small scales are needed at the Dormitory for the purpose of weighing coal. Asks if the Bureau can furnish them. |

| Oct 16th #119 | Burke Jac B 120 enclosed | Houston Texas Oct 7th 1869. Forwards letter of Judge Claiborne in regard to the condition of the colored people of Colorado Co suggests that said letter be published. |