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| August 2nd 1869. #62 | Drew, Wm. P. Agent in charge of Claim Division. August 2nd returned with letter enclosed granting leave of absence as requested. | Washington D.C. July 31st 1869 Forwards approved, request of Lamech Duvall for thirty days leave of absence from August 1st '69. |

| Augt. 4th * #63. | Durkee, J.H. Agent. 2 Enclo Augt. 4th Referred to C.D.O. Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. WGP. | Jacksonville Fla. July 31st 1869. Returns to C.D.O. vouchers in favor of W.A. Marduff for $1000. sent to Supt. Ed. Fla. for sig., with request that they be handed to Col. Gile in person who will be in Washgn. |

| Augt. 11th #64 * | District, 4th Military, Bt Maj. Genl. A. Ames. Commd'g. 3 Enclo Augt. 12th Refd. to C.M.O. for report as to whether these charges are proper subjects for reimbursement out of Bu. funds. Augt. 14th Recd. back. E.B. vol 5 p. 491. E.B. Vol 5 p 518. Sept. 14th E.B. vol 5 p. 524. Rec'd back. Aug 8/74. WGP. | Jackson Miss. August 7th 1869. Forwards vouchers in favor of Sample & McClelland for medicines furnished detachment of 34th Infty. while stationed at Macon Miss. Amt. $23 63 |

| Augt. 11th #65 | District, 4th Military, Bt Maj. Genl A. Ames, Commd'g See B50 vol 14 '69. 2 enclo Augt. 12th Referred to C.M.O. for examination of a/c. Augt 14th Recd. back. E.B. vol 5 p 492. E.B. Vol 5. p 510. | Jackson Miss. August 7th 1869. Forwards vouchers for $9.00 in favor of O. Hendrick for med. attendance & medicines furnished detachment of 34th Infty. while stationed at Macon Miss. |

| Augt 28th 1869 #66 | Drew Wm P. Chief of Claim Division Aug 23d 1869 Respty returned to Mr Drew with letter of revocation and leave of absence enclosed as requested. | Washington D.C. Aug 23d 1869. Forwards approved, request of E.B. Cutter Agent &c. that his resignation be accepted to take effect 30th of Sept. and that he be granted leave of absence from the 1st of Sept. Endorsed by Capt Knower |