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| Nov 9th 1869  #91  |  Drew, Wm. O.  Chief of Claim Division  Nov 9th Returned to Capt Knower with orders enclosed as requested  |  Washington D.C. Novr 9th 1869  Forwards approved request of Capt E.C. Knower, Baltimore Md. for twelve (12) days leave of absense. |

| Nov 10th  #92  |  Dunn, Wm Jr.  Nov 11th Retd E.B. Vol 6 p20  |  Kingston N.C.  November 8th 1869  Desire information as to whether the Indenture of an appretice by his parents in 1865 holds good until the appretice minor at majority.  |

|  Nov 11th #93  |  Drew, J.T.  Attorney &c  478 H St bet. 9th and 10th Sts  Nov 13th Returned to C.Q>M.  |  Washington D.C. November 11th 1869  Forwards both of New Orleans "Crescent" for advertising in 1865-6.  amt 9 to $27 and regards early payment thereof.  |

|  Nov 12th  #94  |  District, 4th Military  Genl A. Ames Comd'g  10 encls  Nov 24th Retd with an official extract from the  records of the Office of the Asst. Commr. of Miss. showing the action taken  |  Jackson Miss.  November 5th 1869.  Refers communications and papers relating to the "Yeager Cotton Case" of Georgen and Wallis, Vicksburg Miss. Agent of Richard Coleman et al (freedmen) wherein they refer to action taken by Genl. Gillem, by virtue of which they disposed of said freedmen's share of the cotton (30 bales), the case being again litigated they apply to the Comd'g Genl. for a remedy, with request that these papers be returned with info of any action taken by the Asst Commr. or the agent at Greenville, in this case.  |

|  Novr 19th 1869.  #95  |  Davis, Jno. T.  P.L.B. Nov 20 '69  File  |  West Point Va. November 18th 1869.  Requests appt as agent or clerk in the [[?]]  |

|  Novr 20th  #96  |  District, 1st Military  Genl E.R.S. Canby  Comd'g  P.L.B. Bolf Nov 23 '69  File  |  Richmond Va  Returns comn from this office of Octr 13 '69, relative to the condition, treatment &c of the children of Louisa Carter, with the information they are living with Genl Washington (col'd) about 8 miles N.E. of Madison C.H. and believe that they are well treated &c.  |

|  Novr 24th  #97  |  Dawson, M.N.  Nov 24 Retd to Owen Chase (thro Dr Rayburn) for his info.  |  Middlebrook  November 20th 1869  States that the daughter of Owen Chase is living with him and is in good health &c.  |

|  Oct 26  #98  |  Drew, Wm. P.  Agent in charge of Claim Division  Accepted Oct 26 '69  File  |  Washington D.C.  October 26th 1869.  Forwards resignation of F.W. Jones, Agent at New Orleans to take effect November 1st 1869.  |

|  NOvr 27th  #99  | Davis and Wood  |  Pittsburg Pa. Novr. 25th 1869.  States that they are introducing into schools an instrument for illustrating Astronomy &c, and forward for examination copy of a work containing the authorities of astronomy, and that if the same is introduced into Freed. Schools they will furnish all the instrucments that my be required for one year at half the selling price, &c &c   Nov. 29. Refd to J.W. Alvord who will reply in suitable terms.  |

|  Novr 26  #100  |  District, 1st Military  Louis N. Caziano, A.A.A.G.  File  |  Richmond Va.  Novr 12th 1869  Transmits proceedings of a commission convened at Richmond Va. to consider the condition of colored insane in Virginia. &c.  |