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| Nov 29th 1869 #101 | District, 1st Military. Genl. E.R.S. Canby Commd'g. Nov 30th Ref'd W.P. Drew for action. | Richmond Va. November 20th 1869. Forwards commn of R. Gilliam Jr requesting information in reference to bounty due Pvt. Cole 10th U.S.C.T. |

| Nov. 29. #102 | Dugan, Margaret G. Novr 30. Retd. with the infn. that the Commr. does not wish to purchase the property. | New Orleans La. November 23rd 1869. Offers for sale a four story house in N.O. for $15,000. |

| Decr 1st #103 | Drew. Wm. P. Chief of Claim Division see S.O. 180 Decr 1 '69 Decr 1st Retd. with order enclosed granting leave of absence as requested. | Washington D.C. November 30th 1869. Forwards approved request of Bt. Capt. T. C. Von Schriach, agent at Charleston S.C., for 15 days leave of absence. |

| Decr 8. #104 | Drew. Wm. P. Chief of Claim Division Decr 9. Retd with appts & order enclosed as requested | Washington D.C. December 8th 1869. Recommends certain changes in the clerical force of his division. |

| Decr. 10. #105 | Dickey, Jno. M. Pres. Board of Trustees Lincoln University. Decr 13 Appd & refd to C.Q.M. E.B Vol 6 p 52 | Washington D.C. December 9. 1869. Requests an appn of $4,100 to complete building at Lincoln University Oxford Pa. |

| Decr 11. #106 | Drew. Wm. P. Chief of Claim Division Decr 11. Retd orders enclosed granting within request. | Washington D.C. December 11th 1869. Forwards request of Samuel Duvall, clerk in his division, to be transferred as clerk at his present salary ($1800) to Louisville Ky. for duty in the Bureau at that place. |

| Decr 13. #107 | Drew. Wm. P. Chief of Claim Division Decr. 13. Retd with letters of revocation enclosed as requested. The order transferring Mr. Duvall to Ky. has this day been recalled. | Washington D.C. December 13th 1869. Forwards request of A.N. Thompson that his recent appt. as agent may be revoked & to be restored to his former position, in order to prevent any dissatisfaction which may result therefrom & with recommendation that it be complied with. & that the order transferring Mr. Samuel Duvall to Kentucky be also revoked. |

| Decr 14. #108 * | Davis Jacob R. File | Washington D.C. Proposes (with the approval of the Commr.) to apply to Congress for Special act for payment of services rendered by him as Agent of this Bureau from June 1st 66 to June 1st 67. |

| Decr 16. #109 * | Dunlap, John L.B. vol 6. Decr 16 '69 File Decr. 16. Refd to Col Compton for examination & recommendation Jany 12. 1870 Recd back. E.B. p87 vol 6 July 21. 70. Recd back with report. Wrapper filed. E.B. vol 6 P. 221. | Shelbyville Tenn. December 15th 1869. Submits bills & receipts for repairing school house at Shelbyville Tenn. |

| Decr 16. #110 | Drew. Wm. P. Claim Division Decr. 16. Retd with orders enclosed as requested | Washington D.C. Decr 16 1869 Requests that an order be issued for Capt. E.C. Knower to proceed from Balto. to Great Mills Md on public business. |

| Decr. 17. #111 | District, 4th Military. Wm Atwood. A.D.C., A.A.A.G.  Decr. 17. Refd. to H.R. Pease | Jackson. Miss. December 8th 1869. Refers com. of Jno. Gummer, Liberty, Amite Co. Miss., asking how how he can obtain pay due him from Capt. H.R. Pease. Supt. Education, for services rendered as teacher. |