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| Augt 11th 1869 #135 | Foster, Daniel S. Augt 11th. Retd appd. The $425 will be paid upon presentation of proper vouchers to the C.D.O. | Washington D.C. August 11th 1869. In behalf of Bethel (cold) Baptist Church of the city applies for an appropriation of $425 for construction of school house on F. St. South bet. 3rd & 4 1/2 Street. |

| Augt 12th #136 | Foote, Jno M. Agent. See L.B. Vol5. Augt 13 '69. Augt. 13th Retd with leave of absence enclosed as requested. | Plymouth, N.C. July 28th 1869. Requests 30 days leave of absence to visit his home in Mich. |

| Augt 14th * #137 | French, O.C. Agent. Telegram. See L.B. Vol.5. Augt 14th '69. File. | Natchez. Miss. August 13th 1869. Telegraphs father has had a paralytic stroke. very dangerous. Can I leave for this at once?" |

| Augt 17th #138 | Foster, Daniel S. & others | Washington D.C. August 14th 1869. Forward receipt of D.G. Thomas, M.S.K. & Capt. A.A.Q.M. for $425.00 received for lot No. "F" St. bet 3rd & 4 1/2 Sts. South sold by order of Secy of War. |

| Aug 23d 1869. #139 | Freedmens Union Com. N.Y. Branch. Josephine S. Lowell, Secretary. Aug 24. Refd to H.C. Vogell for remarks | North Shore N.Y. Augt 21 1869. States that they hear that the Citizens of Elizabeth City No. Ca. are raising money to buy a lot, and asks if Dr. Vogell will be given permission to erect a school house thereon. States that if a large building was erected it would accommodate both the normal & graded schools | 

| Augt 23d 1869 #140 | Freed Aid Soc. of M.E. Church. Rust Rev. R.S. Sect'y. Augt 25. Returned for more definite information | Cincinnati Ohio August 20th 1869. States that they have plastered and put their building in good order, also fitted up several school rooms in their Chapel at an expense of several hundred dollars. Asks that the Bureau aid them in the erection of a building for the accommodation of students from abroad |

| Augt 23d 1869 #141 | Florida, Durkee J.H. Asst. Supt. of Ed. See F.#129, Vol 15, 1869. Augt 24 Referred to chief Q.M. Recd back examined. Augt 25. Returned approved. See E.B. Vol 5. P.504. | Jacksonville Fla. Aug 19, 1869. Forwards contract for Six Mile Creek School house corrected as requested |

| Augt 25 1869 #142 | Foote Jno M. Agent &c Augt 26th. Returned approved | Plymouth No. Ca. Aug 21, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of letter granting him 30 days leave from 16. inst - hopes it may be extended 30 days from 22 inst. |

| Augt 26th #143 | Fitch Wm. G. Bt. Capt. U.S.A. 4 enclo. | Hagerstown Md. August 24th 1869. Forwards pay a/c for Augt '69 requests that the amount he sent in check on N.Y. payable to order of Mrs A.M. Fitch leaves for Ithaca on Thursday |