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| Augt 26th 1869. #144 | Freedmens Aid Society R.S. Rust Cor. Sec'y. Augt 27th. Retd. The Comm has expended at Atlanta all that ought to be expended in one place | Cincinnati, Ohio. August 20th 1869. States that they can secure the land adjoining this normal school or university at Atlanta Ga. Requires aid from the Bu. to amt of $5.000. to erect quarters for pupils &c. |

| Augt 28th #145 * | Florida J.H. Durkee Supt. Edn. Augt 28th. Referred to C.D.O. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9. 75. WYP | Jacksonville Fla. August 17th 1869. Forwards certified a/c of W.A. Macduff for services to $1.000 |

| Augt 28th * #146 | Florida, J.H. Durkee Supt Education. File. 1 enclo. | Jacksonville Fla. August 24th 1869. Forwards list of officers & agents on duty in Fla. |

| Augt 30th #147 | Florida. J.H. Durkee Ass't Supt. Education See A218, Vol 12' 1868. Augt 31st Retd EB Vol 5, p.510 | Jacksonville Fla. August 25th 1869. Forwards for instructions application of Helen Rose to recover rent for property at Pensacola Fla. |

| Sept 3rd #148 | Florida Durkee J.H. Asst Supt of Ed. Sept 7th returned. In view of the recent limitation of appt'n for Fla does Capt Dulker still adhere to his recommendation. Oct 30th Recd back with reports EB p..8, Vol.6. | Jacksonville Fla. Augt 28 1869. Recommends construction of school house at Starke Fla, on land held in trust by Jacob Johns & others for school purposes. Estimated cost incl. furniture $1000. |

| Sept 4th 1868 #149 * | Florida J.H. Durkee Asst Supt of Ed. Wrapper & 13 Enclosures. Sept 4th. Referred to Chief D.O.. Rec'd back & filed. Feby 9.75. WYP | Jacksonville Fla. Augt 31, 1869. Forwards report of Persons & articles hired & employed Genl Expense a/c including rent of rooms, postage &c and Receipts Roll of Laborers, for month of August 1869. |

| Septr 6th #150 | Florida Durkee J.H. Asst Supt of Education Septr. 7th Retd E.B. vol5. p.515. Recd back with Rept.| Jacksonville Fla Septr. 2d 1869. Recommends the construction of a school house at Archer Alachua Co Fla to accommodate one hundred scholars on land held in trust by Richard H. Black & others. Estimated cost incl furniture $1200. |

| Septr 10th #151 | Florida Gile Geo. W. Supt of Education 6 Enclosures Sept 11 Referred to Chief QM | Jacksonville Fla Augt 3d 1869. Forwards papers pertaining to public property of Q.M. Dept. Bureau &c for month of August 1869. |

| Septr 10th #152 | Florida J.H.Durkee  Asst Supt of Ed Sept 10th Returned with letter granting leave as requested | Jacksonville Fl Septr 4th 1869 Requests leave of ansence for 30 days to take effect on return of Collsile to his station. approved by Chief D.O. |