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| September 11th 1869 #153 * | Foster Daniel S. and others. File. | Washington D.C. Septr 7th 1869. State that the Gov't building purchased for the benefit of the Zion Baptist Church to be used in the erection of a school on lot - Square 895 F St S has been removed to said lot |

| Sept 13th #154 | Fay John C Atty at Law #75 W Fayette St Septr. 14th Retd with the infn that the name within mentioned does not appear upon the records of this office. | Baltimore Md Sept 8th 1869. Desires to be informed the length of time John S Poler was employed in Bureau R F & A L. Thinks he was in Claim Division |

| Septr. 18th #155 | Freed. Union Commission E.D. Cheney Secy. see P. 134 S 272 & 314 Sept. 18th Referred to Supt. Edn. for S.C. in connection with previous papers. | Boston Mass Septr. 16th 1869. Writes again relative to repairs to school building on Ladies Island S.C. known as the Eustis School house. |

| Sept 20th #156. | Florida Gile Geo. W. Col. & Supt of Education F 167. Sept 20th Referred to CQM for remarks Recd back Sept 24 & returned to Col Gile EB 539 vol 5 | Lowell Mass Sept 18th 1869 Forwards for approval (duplicate) copies of contract for the construction of school house on estate of Miss Harriet Beecher Stowe at Mandarin Fl at cost of $3780.00/100 |

| Sept 20th #157 | French Martha E. Sept 20th Referred to Genl Supt of Ed.| Oberlin Ohio Sept 15th 1869. Desires a situation as teacher among the freemen of the South &c. |

| September 22nd 1869 #158 * | French O C Disb'g Off. &c. File | Natchez Miss Septr 15th 1869. Reports that he has this day resumed his duties as D.O. &c. having been on leave since Augt 15th 1869. |

| Septr. 23rd #159. | Freedmens Aid Society. M E.C. R S. Rust. Secty Sept 24th Referred to Chief Q.M. to know on whose returns this property is borne Sept 24th Recd back with report. Refd to Col Lewis. EB 541. vol 5. Recd back. E.B. vol 5 p 556. | Cincinnati Ohio Sept 21st 1869. States that they have sustained a school for 3 years at Griffin Ga that the house is owned by the Bureau. Requests that is may be turned over to that society. Unless this is done, they will be deprived of rental &c. |

| Septr. 27th #160 * | Foote Jno M Agent Bureau R F & A L. 1 Enclosure Sept 28th 1869 Referred to C.D.O. Rec'd back Aug 8/74. WGP. | Wiles Mich Sept 22nd 1869 Encloses Surgeons certificate setting forth that he is unable to travel for fifteen (15) days |

| Sept 13th #161 * French O C. late D.O. &c. Natchez Miss Filed | Washington D.C. August 25th 1869. Makes affidavit in regard to certain claims against the Government purchased by him and one Bvt Col James from Blackchurch & Hanford Claim Agents Alexandria Tenn. Deposes that his intentions were honest, and that he believes the the claims were legal. |

| Oct 5th #162 * | Florida Geo W Gile Bt Lt Col & Supt of Ed. 11 Encls. Oct 5th Referred to Chief D.O. with order Recd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP| Jacksonville Oct 1st 1869. Forwards certified a/cs against the Govt accompanied by report of persons & articles hired. Requests an order covering journey of JH. Durkee as per vouchers |