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| Oct 30th 1869. #172 | Florida. Col. Geo W. Gile. Supt. of Ed. Nov. 1st Referred to C.D.O. to know whether any portion of S. Peabody Fund is in the hands or under the control of this Bureau. Nov. 3rd Recd. back E.B. vol 6. p 9. | Jacksonville Oct 25th 1869. Requests authority to expend a sum of money not to exceed $3000. for purchase of primary schoolbooks and charts for distribution in public schools of that state. This application is made with the supposition that a part of the Southern Peabody Fund is being disbursed through the Bureau. |

| Nov. 1st #173 * | Florida. G.W. Gile. Supt Education Nov. 1st Referred to C.D.O. Recd back & filed Feby. 9. 75. WGP | Jacksonville Fla. October 9th 1869. Forwards certified a/cs of W.A Macduff for $2000.00 being second payment on St. Augustine School House for examination & approval. |

| Nov 1st #174 | Frampton R.L. Nov. 1st Referred to Supt.Edu. Ga. for remarks. Nov. 9th Recd. back. E.B. Vol6. p.17. | Satilla Mills. Ga. Octr 16th 1869. States that he was sent to teach on 19th April '69 by Lieut D.G. Risley & that E.A. Ware the Asst Supr. Edu. refuses to pay him any salary. |

| Nov. 2nd # 175 | Freedmens Aid Society. R.S. Rust. Secry. 2 Enclo. Nov. 5th Referred to H.R. Pease for remarks Nov. 15th Redc. back E.B Vol 6 p. 24 | Cincinnati Ohio October 30th 1869. Forwards letter of W.L.Jones of Holly Springs Miss. who states that he is obliged to discontinue the construction of school house at that place for want of funds. Requests to be informed why Mr Pease does not remit the appropriation for this purpose &c. |

| Nov. 8th 1869. #176 * | Florida. G.W. Gile. Supt Education Nov. 8th Referred to C D.O. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9. 75. WGP | Jacksonville. Fla. November 2nd 1869. Forwards certified accounts of persons hired &c. for Octr. '69. |

| Nov. 8th #177 | Florida. G.W. Gile. Supt Education Nov. 8th Referred to C.Q.M. | Jacksonville. Fla. November 4th 1869. Forwards returns of public property for which he is responsible for Oct. 69. |

| Nov. 16th #178 | Friends Freed. Assn. M.E. Spearman. Act. Nov 17th Referred to Mr. Alvord for remarks. Nov. 24. Recd. back E.B. Vol 6. p. 36 | Philadelphia Penna. November 15th 1869. Requests permission to receive the rental every month from Supt. Edu. N.C. |

| Nov. 19th. #179| Florida. G.W. Gile. Supt Education Nov. 20th Refd to C.Q.M. Nov 22d Reced back with report see E.B P 34. Vol 6' | Jacksonville Fla. November 15th 1869. Forwards for appl. vouchers for 1 cordwood for month of octr. & asks authority to purchase two cords per month for office use. |

| Nov. 19th. #180 *| Florida. G.W. Gile. Supt. Edu. See L.B. Vol 6. Nov. 19 '69. Telegram File | Jacksonville Fla. November 17th 1869. "Have obtained situations for Mr. & Mrs. Anthony in the normal school Jacksonville Fla. Let them come at once. Answer."|

| Nov. 22nd #181 *| Florida. G.W. Gile. Supt Education Nov 23d Referred to C.q.m. Nov. 25 Recd back E.B. Vol 6. p.38. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9. 75. wyp | Jacksonville Fla. November 16th 1869. Forwards for approval voucher for purchase of two stoves & fixtures. |