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| Augt. 17th 1869 #111 | Graves, Evan P. Lock Box No. 25. Sept 3d Returned EB. P 512 Vol 5 | Lexington Ky August 16th 1869. Desires the address of Col. R.E. Johnson, late Bu Agent at that place, & also if the papers of his office were forwarded to Washington. |

| Aug 21" 1869 #112 | Georgia Col. J.R. Lewis Supt of Education 1 encl. Aug 21" Referred to Genl Supt of Ed. | Atlanta Aug 16" 1869 Submits report of school houses for the month of July 1869. Asks for more blanks. |

| Aug 21 1869 #113 | Graham Jno L. Lieut and A.A.A. Genl. (Sent to Chief D.O.) See S.O. 122 Aug 21, 69. Aug 21. Returned with order enclosed as requested | Louisville Ky Aug 17, 1869 Forwards actual expense account for journeys performed from Louisville to Covington & Maysville Ky. & return. |

| Septr. 10th #114 | Gaskins W F (Colored) 1 Enclosure Sept 11. Returned. This Bu has no authority to employ teachers. Encloses list of Educational Societies for information | Mount Pleasant Ohio Septr. 1st 1869. Requests to be informed if any more teachers are needed in the South, if there are would like to be sent there  Has been teaching for last two years in Jefferson Co Ohio |

| Sept 10th #115 * | Girard J M Pastor of Catholic Church Filed See P.L.B vol 6 Oct 4, 1869 Sept 11 Referred to Col Seely for remarks Oct 2nd Recd back with Report | Jefferson City, Mo. Augt 24, 1869. Requests aid in establishing a Day & evening school for freedmen & offers to furnish Sisters of Charity as teachers |

| September 11th 1869 #116 | Garnett W.F.G. Attorney Septr. 16th Retd. E.B. Vol 5 p. 528 | Richmond Va Septr. 10th 1869 Desires to obtain a copy of judgement given in favor of Henry Newark against Wm Stephens in the Freedmens Court for Richmond, order book of said Court is in Box 4, Records Bureau RF & AL. |

| Septr. 14th #117 | Gilbins, Anna. P.O. Box #34. Sept 15th Referred to Genl Supt of Ed. | Salem, N.J. Septr. 12th 1869. Desires situation as teacher in Howard University or some where near Washington. |

| Sept 22d #118 | Garnett W.F.G. Attorney 2 Enclosures See G #116. also EB Vol 5 p 528. Sept 28" Returned. E.B. p. 544. vol 5. | Richmond Va Septr. 17th 1869. returns comn. of 16th inst. together with letter from Mr Chas Spencer Clerk Bu &c & requests that another search be made for the within mentioned Record |

| Septr. 24th #119 * | Georgia Ware E.A In absence of Supt of Ed File | Atlanta Ga Sept 21st 1869. Forwards list of civil employees on duty in Bureau in State of Georgia |

| October 5th #120 * File | Georgia Lewis J R Bvt Col and Supt of Education Oct 6th Respectfully forward to Secty of War Requesting that appltn be made for US Dist Attys services in this case | Atlanta Ga Oct 1st 1869 Reports that Floyd Snelson (cold) in charge of buildings at Andersonville held by the Bureau for school purposes has been served with a writ of ejection from the Sup Court of Sumter Co. returnable on the second Tuesday in Oct. States that these buildings were relinquished by the QM Dept to the Bureau in Apl 1868 to be held until otherwise decreed by a Federal Court under cover of ent of the Comr of July 31, 1868. Genl Terry has referred the matter to Washington. Recommends that the Dist Atty of Ga be instructed to take charge of the case at once. |