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| August 12th 1869 #4 * | Interior Department J.A Cox Secretary File | Washington D.C. August 2nd 1869. Requests the proper information from the War Dept. for the Biennial Register after Septr. 30th 1869. |
| Sept. 7th #5 | Interior Department H Van Aernam Commr of Pensions Sept 10th Referred to Chief of Claim Division | Washington D.C Sept. 3rd 1869. Requests an investigation in the case of Sophia & Cassandria who both claim to be the lawful widow of Saml Smith  also Sampson Spears late of Co B or C of 38th U.S.C.T. Claim admitted #171.347 certificate issued 82055 | 

| Octr 7th #6. | Interior Department J D Cox Secretary See A.224, 270, 271. Vol 12. 1 Enclosure Oct 7th Respectfully returned with offl. copies of papers relating to character of H H Burton while on duty in this Bureau in state of Ala | Washington DC. Oct 6th 1869. Encloses letter of this date from Lt E H Weirman USA relative to the character of H H Burton a clerk in the Int Dept. and requests that the Commissioner Bu &c will oblige him by giving such information as he may possess as to his character as well as to the specific charge made in enclosed letter |

| Oct 14th #7 | Interior Department H Van Aernam Commr of Pensions Oct 14th Referred to Wm P Drew Chief of Claim Div: | Washington D.C. Oct 12th 1869 States that on the 8th of March 1867 a claim for pension was filed by Bt Maj W Fowler A A Genl Bureau &c for R Martin Pvt A Co 13 USCT. The pension was granted May 23d 1867 & certificate sent to Maj Fowler but was never recd by Martin. A declaration for pension dated Nov 17th 1868 has since been filed by Oneill & Dupree of Wash DC Agents for M M Cloons Claim Agt for Tenn who has absconded. Desires to know whether Maj Fowler or any other Bureau officer has recd this certificate & what was done with it. |

Transcription Notes:
Henry Van Aernam - Commissioner of Pensions