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|  October 4th 1869  #131    |  Knower E.D.  Capt U.S.A.  Oct 6th Referred to Chief D.O.  Oct 7th Recd back recommended, and return to Capt Knower with order enclosed  |  Baltimore Md  October 2nd 1869  Request authority to visit Washington on public business connect with this Bureau  |

|  Oct 5th 1869  #132  |  Kimball John  Supt of Ed. for DC &c &c  File  See S.O. 134 par 2  |  Washington D.C.  Oct 4th 1869  Forwards sworn statement in regard to certain articles of school furniture for which he is responsible and requests authority to drop the same from the returns.  |

|  Oct 6th  #133  |  Kentucky  Ben P. Runkle  Bt Col and Supt of Education  Filed  |  Louisville Ky  Oct 2nd 1869.  Transmits roster of Officers and Civilians on duty in Bu in Ky  Oct 1st 1869  |

|  Oct 14th  #134  |  Kimball John Revd  Supt of Ed. for D.C. &c  Oct 18 Returned Approved for $200  |  Washington D.C.  Oct 13th 1869  Forwards recommended application of Ephraim Smith and others for aid to the amt of $200 to complete school house at Westminster Md  States that the building is nearly completed  Deed enclosed  |

|  Oct 13th  #135  |  Kentucky Ben P. Runkle  Bt Col. and Supt of Education  Oct 10: Returned approved.  |  Louisville Ky  Oct 7th 1869  Requests  permission to rent a room at Lexington from M Bright for an office for Lt Mangam DO at the rate of $10 per mo.  |

|  October 16th 1869 #136  |  Knower E.C.  Bt Capt and Agent  Oct 16 Returned with order enclosed as requests.  |  Baltimore Md  Oct 15 1869  Requests authority to proceed to Newton Md and return on Public business connected with the Bureau  |

|  Oct 22nd  #137  |  Kentucky  Ben P. Runkle Bvt Col and Supt of Education  Oct 23rd Returned to Col Runkle with order enclosed granting leave of absence  |  Louisville Ky  Oct 20th 1869  Forwards approved request of Lieut Mangan for leave of absence to enable him to visit Chicago Ill. for the purpose of procuring an artificial leg.  |

|  Oct 22d  #138  |  Kentucky Ben P. Runkle Bvt Col and Supt of Education  Oct 23rd Referred to  Chief Q.M.  |   Louisville Ky Oct 20th 1869  Requets authority to purchase 180 bushels of coal for use in the offices of the Bureau at Bowling Green, Lexington, Paducah and Louisville.   For officers at Bowling Green, Lexington and Paducah  38 bu monthly from Oct 1st 1869, 90 for officers at Louisville Ky       90  90  180  |

|  Oct 16th #139  |   Kimball John  Supt of Ed. for D.C. *c  Filed  Accepted  |  Washington D.C.  Oct 16th 1869  Tenders his resignation to take effect Nov 30th 1869.  |

|  Oct 28th  #140  |  Kentucky  Col Ben P. Runkle  Supt of Education  File  See L.B. vol 5 Oct 26/ 69  |  Louisville Ky  Oct 22nd 1869  Requests that Col B H Bristow and Hon James Speed be appted agents of this  Bureau for  2 mos at the salary of 126$ per mo to test the constitutionality of the law existing in the state of Ky by which the negro is taxed  20 per head above the tax levied on white man, And also to prosecute one Geo Northrop for the murder of a Negro Preacher at Lebanon Ky over a year ago.  States that unless  he is prosecuted by employees of the Bureau he is certain to go Scott free  Also by these appts he can test the law in the US Court and have Northrup prosecuted vigorously.  |