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| October 1st 1869 #132 | Louisiana E W Mason Supt of Education Oct 4th EB vol 5 p 551 | New Orleans La Sept 27th 1869. Acknowledges receipt of S.O. appt'g J W Healy Spcl Agt without salary. Asks whether he is to make out vouchers for his travelling expenses when in the discharge of official duty |

| Octr. 1st #133 | Logan R S & Co Claim Agent Oct 4th 1869 Returned no record. | Philadelphia Pa Sept 29th 1869 Desires the address of Jno L Rhodes formerly Adjt 31st Pa Vols now or recently in the employ of the Bureau RF & A Lands. |

| Octr 4th #134 * | Logan S C Ex Secty Com. on Freedmen Filed Oct 5th 128 & 134 Enclosed to Dr H.C. Vogell. See LB Vol 5 Oct 18./69 Filed with L.128 | Scranton Pa Octr. 1st 1869 Has received reply to his inquiries. The Commissioner has mistaken the location of the proposed Seminary. It is Concord No Ca & not Concord New Hampshire. The place is surrounded by 30 churches with 2000. communicants formerly Scotch Presbyterians. The schools at Charlotte will in due time be made a College. A similar one is needed for girls to education them for teachers &c &c  The Committee on Freedmen have asked for & recd less than any other Assn. wishes to obtain aid to purchase a building for one half its value. |

| Oct 7th #135 | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Education Oct 8th Returned to Mr Mason approved for $600 on condition that the land is properly deeded to trustees for school purposes forever | New Orleans La Oct 2nd 1869. Forwards application for aid from Schuyler Marvin with the following information that Mr M. is a merchant at Trinity was formerly P.M. that no aid has been granted in this parish that this is an important point at the head of Little River at Junction of the Wachita & Tenasas Rivers that he visited the place in July and recommends an appropriation of Six hundred (600) dollars in material, provided the land be properly deeded and the usual pledges given |

| October 11th 1869 #136 | Lawes J H and others See R #69 vol 15 Oct 14. Referred to Maj Van Derlip for recommendation. Recd. back. Oct 16. EB p 562. Vol 5 | Arlington Va Oct 10th 1869 State that the drought injured the crops at Arlington and that the farmers are not able to pay the rent at the present rate. Ask that it be reduced to what it was last year or in proportion to what they make. |

| Oct 13th #137 * | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Education Oct 13 Referred to Col Brown Chief Q.M. Oct 18th EB p 564. Vol 5 Recd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | New Orleans La Oct 9th 1869. Forwards vouchers in (duplicate) favor Jno Page for building (on contract) Straight University |

| Oct 13th #138 * | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Education 3 Enclo Oct 15th Referred to Genl Balloch, copy of authority enclosed. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | New Orleans La Oct 9th 1869 Forwards Form 2 (P & A hired) for September 1869. Also vouchers of Emile Roy watchman at Straight University cannot attach the authority for reasons given Sept 20th 1869 |

| Oct 16th #139 | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Education Oct 18th Returned Approved on condition that the covenant for perpetual use for educational purposes is put in proper shape. | New Orleans La Oct 11th 1869 Forwards application of George Regsley et. al. of Charrington La. for aid to the amt of $450 to repair church & school building at that place. States the title to the property is vested in the M.E. Church and recommends the appropriation be made provided the pledge be given that the building shall be used perpetually for the Education of Freedmen. |

Transcription Notes:
Wachita & Tenasas Rivers = Ouachita & Tensas Rivers