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| August 2nd 1869 #95 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. See F. 65. Vol. 14 '69. Augt. 3d. Returned to Dr. Vogell, who can estimate the number of day s labor required & the cost per day & thus fix upon a definite amount to be appropriated. Sept 29 Recd back with rept & returned | Raleigh N.C. July 30th 1869. Reports the Griffin Asylum secured at monthly rental of $50. for school purposes. also that, while at Newberne, he found two buildings for which $20 & $10. per month had been paid could be dispensed with and the schools removed to the Normal School & other buildings in the Griffin enclosure. Requests the approval of the Commr. for expenses incurred in whitewashing &c. |

| August 3rd #96 | North Carolina, H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education 3 Enclo Augt. 3rd. Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Raleigh N.C. July 1869. Forwards Rental A/cs of A.M.A. for schools in N.C. for Quarter ending July 1869. |

| Augt. 5th #97 | North Carolina. W.W. Holden. Governor. Augt. 6th Returned. Transpn. is no longer issued by this Bureau, the app'n for that purpose having been exhausted. | Raleigh, N.C. August 3rd 1869. Requests in behalf of Mary Lane (cold) transportation for her daughter Cordelia Raynor from Adrian Mich to Raleigh N.C. |

| Augt. 6th #98 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education Augt 6th Referred to J.W. Alvord for remarks. Augt 7th E.B. vol. 5 p. 483 | Raleigh N.C. August 4th 1869 Forwards request of Rev. E.M. Forbes of Newberne to be allowed $10 per month from oct. 1st 68 to July 1st '69 for two schools under his charge of about 15 scholars each, with the remark that if within schools were not reported by him they were entitled to be. |