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| Nov. 19th 1869. #136 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell, Supt. Edn. Nov. 20 Retd approved. | Raleigh N.C. Novr. 16th 1869. Recommends appn. of $30. for repairs to school house at Salem N.C. |

| Nov. 19th #137 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Edn. Nov. 20 Retd. apprd. on condition that the land is deeded to Trustees for school purposes perpetually. | Raleigh N.C. November 17th '69. Forwards recommended petition of W.H. Howser & others from $300. for erection of school building at Dallas N.C. |

| Nov. 19th #138 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Edn. Nov. 20 Retd. approved. | Raleigh N.C. Nov. 17th 1869. Forwards recommended petition of Ezekiel Irwin & others for appn. of $250 for repairs to school at Charlotte N.C. |

| Nov. 19th #139 * | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Edn. File | Raleigh N.C. November 17th 1869. States that there is much murmuring among the friends of the Bureau concerning the bad management of Dr. Smith's school &c. & recommends that no further appropriations at present be made. |

| Nov. 26. #140 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. Nov. 27th Retd. E.B. vol. 6. p. 39. | Raleigh N.C. Novr. 24th 1869. Recommends an appn. of $500. to aid in erecting a school building at Murfreesboro, Hartford Col. Tenn. &c. Encloses letter form Miss Warrick who states that they are in great need of a school at Murfreesboro'. |

| Nov. 27. #141 | North Carolina. L.E. Rice, Supt. Edn. 3rd Dist. Filed with R. 16 vol 16 1870. Nov. 29. Refd. to Mr Alvord for consideration in connection with the school matters in N.C. previously referred to him. Decr. 10. E.B. vol. 6. p. 51  Decr 20. Refd. to Mr. Rice. E.B. vol 6 p 69. | Wilmington N.C. November 25th 1869. Asks if it is the intention that "Property Accounts" for that Dist. be taken up on the records and returns made from his office, if so, requests that he be furnished with a statement from the books of the Supt. at Raleigh. |

| Nov. 27 '69. #142 * | North Carolina. L.E. Rice. Supt. Edn. 3rd Dist. Filed with A 289. vol. 15 '69. Novr. 30. Refd. to Mr. Alvord in connection with previous papers. | Wilmington N.C. Nov. 25, 69. Forwards for approval list of schools under his supervision during Sept. & Oct. '69, & requests permission to forward returns as though cognizance had been taken of the same and reports made at the proper time. Also encloses commn. of Dr. Vogell giving information of rentals for time named. |

| Nov. 30. #143 | North Carolina. L.E. Rice. Supt. Edn. 3rd Dist. Nov. 30. Refd. to J.W. Alvord Decr. 7. Recd. back. E.B. vol 6. p. 47. | Wilmington N.C. November 27th 1869. Refers commn. of Henry D. Blake, Agent A.M.A. asking for aid in extending the school work in N.C. |

| Decr. 3. #144 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education see F.187 Decr. 4. Retd. approved. | Raleigh N.C. December 1st 1869. Requests that the condition made in authority given him to purchase seats, desks, &c. for Griffin Asylum be stricken out, for the reason that the building does not belong to the Bu. and in case of removal would lose the value of said desks, &c. |

| Decr. 6. #145 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Edn. Decr. 7. Refd. to J.W. Alvord for examination. | Raleigh N.C. December 1st 1869. Requests a supply of blanks, headed papers, & 2000 school reports. |

| Dec. 7 #146 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. Decr. 8. Retd. approved. | Raleigh N.C. December 4th 1869. Forwards approved request of Rev. S.S. Markland for appn. of $50. for repairs to school house at Mt. Tabor, & $50. for repairs to school house at Catawba River. |