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| Decr. 9. 1869. #147 | Raleigh North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. Decr. 10. Retd. for a copy of deed conveying the within mentioned lot to trustees. Attention is invited to Cir. No. 6. C.S. from this office enclosed. Feby. 17. Recd. back with copy of deed, & referred to C.Q.M. for examination. Febry. 23. E.B. vol. 6. p. 114. | Raleigh N.C. December 7th 1869. Forwards petition of James Hargrave for assistance in the erection of school building on land owned by freedmen in Summer Hill Dist, & recommends an appn. of $350. |

| Decr. 10. #148 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell Supt. Edn. Decr. 11. Retd. approved. | Raleigh N.C. December 8th 1869. Requests an appn. of $50. for repairs to school building at Bullocks Cross Roads, Granville Co. N.C. |

| Decr. 11 #149 | North Carolina, H.C. Vogell, Supt. of Education. Decr. 13 Forwd. to Genl Kelton. I do not know the men recommended, but have confidence in Dr. Vogell's judgment. | Raleigh N.C. December 9th 1869. Ack. receipt of Circular Letter of Decr. 7th & recommends Frank Thornton & Wm. H. Gratton for position as Supts. of Natl. Cemeteries. |

| Decr. 14. #150 * | Napier, J.C. File Decr. 15. Refd. to Mr. Drew in connection with previous application. | Washington D.C. December 13, 1869. Desires to procure a clkship in the Bu. that he may be enabled to prosecute his law studies in Howard University. |

| Decr. 16. #151 | North Carolina, H.C. Vogell. Supt. Edn. | Raleigh, N.C. December 14th 1869. Forwards report of outrages committed by K.K.K. on Mr. Corlis & others, & states that the terror prevailing in some districts is such that the teachers will be compelled to close their schools unless something is done to put down these lawless bands, &c &c. |

| Decr. 18, 1869 #152 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Edn. | Raleigh N.C. Decr. 16 '69. Forwards statement of Mr. Corlis in reference to outrages committed in N.C., & hopes something will be done to protect the schools. |

| Decr. 20. #153 * | North Carolina. L.E Rice. Supt. Edn. 3rd Dist. File | Wilmington N.C. Decr. 17. 1869. Asks if he shall use the old forms for payment of rentals or await arrival of improved ones from Mr Alvord. |

| Decr 27th #154 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell Supt of Edn. Dec 31. Refd to Genl. Supt of Ed. | Raleigh N.C. Decr 23rd 1869 Forwards schedule of schools & rentals. Approved with the exception of the school at Hillsboro, where he has paid 10$ monthly rental. States that the schools at Hillsboro, Charlotte & Lexington have never reported but one Teacher each. |

| Decr 27th #155 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell Supt of Edn. Dec 31st Referred to Col. Brown CQM | Raleigh No Ca Decr 24th 1869 In reply to a communication sent him by Col J.M. Brown Chief Q M. in reference to the Augustine Parish School building He forwards a copy of an Act of the N.C. Legislature, granting for school purposes for a time of 99 years, the lot on which stands the building referred to. Encloses letter of Thos. P. Thompson affirming the same |

| Decr 27th #156 | North Carolina L.E. Rice Asst Supt of Edn. Jany 4th 1870 Forwarded to Genl Kelton with reference to his communication of Oct 25, 69 | Wilmington N.C. Decr. 24th 1869 In reply to letter of the 7th inst recommends Frank Clinton late U.S.A. as a worthy and suitable person for Supt of National Cemetery |