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| Augt. 16th 1869. #14 | Quarter Master General's Office James A. Ekin. Bt. Brig Genl. & Depty. Q.M. Genl. 8 Enclo Augt. 18th Retd. E.B. Vol. 5 p. 495. | Washington D.C. August 14th 1869. Forwards for remarks two a/cs in favor in H.M. Barstow of Paducah Ky. for rent of Room occupied by Supt. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Amt. $60.00 |

| Septr. 3rd #15 * | Quarter Master Generals Office M C Meigs Qr Mr General &c (1 Enclosure) Offl. copy furnished C.Q.M. Sept. 4 '69. File. | Washington D.C Septr. 1st 1869. Returns telegram of Genl Holabird in reference to teamsters engaged by Bostwick. (Has retained a copy of same for file in his office.) |

| Sept 6th #16 * | Quarter Master Genls Office Meigs M.C. Bt Maj Genl & Qr Mr Genl Offl. Copies furnished C.Q.M. File. | Washington D.C. Sept 3rd 1869. Encloses copy of Telegram recd. from Bt Maj A.G. Robinson A.A.Q.M. at St Paul Minn in reply to his dispatch to Genl Holabird relative to teamsters employed by Bostwick. |

| Sept. 14th #17 * | Quarter Master Generals Office. James A. Ekin. Bt. Maj Genl. U.S.A. & Depty. Qr. Mr. Genl. File | Washington D.C. Sept. 11th 1869. In reply to comn. of 21st ult. states that the buildings referred to the "Isherwood Estate" are still occupied by Qr. Mrs. Dept. |

| Septr. 28th #18 | Qr Mr Genls Office J.C. McFerran Dpt Qr Mr Genl Circular Sept 29th Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington D.C. Sept 23rd 1869 Informs Officers requiring forage for animals entitled to the same to send their requisitions to Capt D.G. Thomas, A.A.Q.M. at Armory Square. |

Transcription Notes:
Bvt Brig General Samuel Holabird confirmed