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| Augt 18th 1869 #240 * | Stewart K.J. See P.L.B. August 23 '69. See L.B. Vol. 5. Septr. 6 '69. File. | Gordonsville Va. August 11th 1869. States that the Supt. Ed. for Va. has been made acquainted with their plans for school & hospital estimates the amt. required for repairs at $1000. & solicits aid from the Bu. Expects to have 100 scholars as soon as the school is opened. |

| Augt 19th #241 | South Carolina. Deane E.L. Asst. Supt. Education. 1 Enclo Augt. 19th Referred to J.W. Alvord | Columbia S.C. August 17th 1869 Forwards report of school buildings for July 1869. |

| Augt 20th 1869. #242 | South Carolina Deane E.L. Asst. Supt of Education Aug 21. Referred to J W Alvord Genl Supt of Ed for his information. | Columbia August 17th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of telegram of 17" inst. and states that this was the first intimation that such a report was required of him; that Maj Neide gave him but little information of what would be required of him. Explains that it would be beyond his power from the data in his possession to furnish a connected narrative of the operations of the Educational Dept. |

| Augt 20th 1869 #243 | South Carolina Deane E.L Asst Supt Education Augt 27th Retd. appd. on condition that the title is first seated in Trustees for school purposes perpetually | Columbia Aug 17 '69 Forwards recommended request of Hon S.L. Hoge M.C. for $800. for the construction of a building for school at Gadsden S.C. Mr Hoge states that he will purchase a lot & transfer it to Trustees for school purposes. |

| Augt 23d 1869 #244 | Spaulding H Room 11 Int Building Aug 24 Returned with information that it is contrary to existing orders and regulations for officers of the War Dept to give Solicitors or Agents any information upon which will be founded a claim against the Government | Washington D.C. Augt 21, 1869 States that Mr Jas H. Shaw has presented a claim for the use of his farm near Bladensburg Md. and the consumption of Forage by the Military Forces in 1861 under command of Genl Howard. Asks for the facts in the case. |

| Augt 23d 1869 #245 | Sabin C.B. 132 Penna Avenue Aug 24 Respty returned no Circulars &c as within described have been issued by this office. | Washington D.C. Aug 21 1869. Requests to be furnished with any printed instructions or Circulars containing the laws to be observed in presenting claims for occupation or detention of lands of loyal persons. |

| Augt 23d 1869 #246 * | South Carolina Deane E.L. Asst Supt of Ed File | Columbia So Ca Augt 2d 1869 Forwards for information of the Commissioner letter of Hon Geo W Clark who states that as the late Collector has not yet transferred the accounts of the Marine Hospital to him, that he is unable to reply at present to inquiry of Aug 16, relative to the amount of purchase money due from the Rev H T Porter & others |