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| Novr. 29. 1869. #340 | Sapp. L.W. M.D. Novr 30. Refd to JW. Alvord | Cleveland. Ohio. November 25th 1869. Desires a position with South for a lady teacher. |

| Novr 30. #341 * | Somers, Isaiah W. Teacher. File | Leesburg N.C. Novr. 23rd. 1869. Ack. receipt of check for $25 from Penn. Freed. Assn. |

| Decr. 1. #342 | South Carolina. E.L. Deane Asst. Supt. Edn. Decr 2 Retd. approved. | Columbia S.C. November 27th 1869. Requests an appn of $30 for repairs on school building at Chester S.C. |

| Decr. 2nd #343 | Stockbridge. J. Chaplain U.S.V. See S338 Decr 3 Refd to Supt. Edn. &c. in connection with previous papers from the same writer | Norfolk Va. November 30th 1869. States that since his previous letter the Zion Bap. Church at Portsmouth has been burned, and that arrangements may be made to have a school in the basement of the new church. &c. |

| Decr. 2. #344 * | Subsistence Dept. Genl A.B. Eaton Commy. General. Decr 3 Refd to C.D.O. Recd back & filed Feby 7 75 WGP | Washington D.C. December 1st 1869. Encloses bill of $2919.57 for subsistence stores furnished destitute refugees & freedmen, & requests that a transfer warrant be drawn for the amount. |

| Decr. 2nd #345 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt. Edn. Decr 3rd Retd. approved. | Columbia S.C. Novr. 29. 69. Requests permission to rent school house at Manning S.C. at $20 per mo. The owner to purchase $200 worth of school furniture. |

| Decr. 3rd #346 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt. Education Decr.4. Retd approved. | Columbia S.C. November 29th 1869. Requests appn. of $35.75 to pay for repairs upon Freed. school at Florence S.C. |

| Decr. 6. #347 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt. Edn. Decr 7. Refd to J.W. Alvord. Decr 13. E.B. vol 6. p. 57. Decr. 15. E.B. vol 6. p. 60. | Columbia S.C. December 1st 1869. Requests permission to take upon his Returns from Decr 1 '69 house at Camden S.C. used for teachers home at $20 per. mo. |

| Decr. 6. #348 | Schofield, Martha Decr.7. Refd to Supt. Edn. for S.C. for remarks Decr. 16. Recd back. E.B. vol 6. p. 63.| Aiken S.C. November 20th 1869. Desires to know if the Bu. will erect a school building at that place if she will purchase a lot on which to build, &c. Enclose a photo of Lucretia Mott & requests Genl Howard's in return. |

| Decr. 7. #349 * | Sladen J.A. Bt. Capt. U.S.A., A.D.C. see S.352 File | Washington D.C. December 7th 1869. Refers commn of R.M. Mandy concerning a school which is proposed to be erected by Mrs. Dr. Smith on her farm at Richmond. States that her proposition wont bear investigation and her motives are questionable, &c. |

| Decr. 9. #350 | Sladen J.A. Capt. & A.D.C.  Decr 9. Retd to Maj. Delaney with infn. that no guidance can be found to substantiate his claim. | Washington D.C. Decr. 8. 1869. Returns commn in reference to the publication of S.O. 109. Asst. Comm S.C. Augt 10 '68. with infn. that there is nothing in the records of Asst. Commr. S.C. on file in his office to indicate when said order was received by Major M.R. Delaney. |