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| Augt. 13th 1869. #161 | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt. Education. 2 Enclo. Aug 14th Referred to CQM for examination. Augt. 17th Recd back E.B. Vol 5. p. 494. | Nashville Tenn. August 9th 1869. Forwards commn. of J.H. Kirkwood, Supt Public Instruction Henry Co. Tenn. transmitting original deed of lot for cold. school house at Henry Station, & recommends that $300. be apptd. to finish building. |

| Augt. 16th #162 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. 2 enclo. Augt. 18th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination of deed. Aug 20th Rec'd back E.B Vol 5 p 498. July 21" Rec'd. back. see EB. p 219 vol 6. | Nashville Tenn. August 12th 1869. Transmits Letter of Spencer Settle enclosing deed of Lot for colored school house at Lebanon, & recommends that $200. be apptd. to aid in the completion of school building. |

| Augt. 16th #163 | Texas. Joseph Welch. Supt. Education. | Austin, Texas. August 3rd 1869. Forwards statement relative to check in favor of Henry Berrill late of 38th U.S.C.I. forwarded to Danl. S. Mann, with request that Mann be made to settle. |

| Augt. 17th #164 | Texas. Joseph Welch Supt. Education. 2 Enclo. Augt 19th Referred to C.Q.M. | Austin, Texas. July 27th 1869. Forwards Requisition for blank contracts & envelopes. |

| Augt. 17th #165 | Texas. Joseph Welch Supt. Education. 4 Enclo. Augt 19th Referred to C.Q.M. | Austin, Texas. July 27th 1869. Forwards Requisition for Fuel and Forage for quarter ending September 30th 1869. |

| Aug 21 1869. #166 | Tennessee Compton C E Bt Lt Col and Supt of Ed. 18 Enclosures Aug 21. Referred to Genl Supt of Ed. | Nashville Tenn Aug 17, 1869. Forwards rental vouchers for school houses in Tenn under charge of A.M.A. April & May at Chattanooga & Memphis, and from April 1st to June 15, 1869 at Nashville, accompanied by certificate authorizing Wm. E. Whiting to receive and receipt for money due the A.M.A. | 

| Augt 23d 1869 #167 | Tennessee Compton C.E. Bvt Lt Col & Supt of Ed. Augt 23d Refd to C.Q.M. for examination of deed Aug 25 Returned for compliance with Cir #30 Dec 31 1867. See E.B. Vol 5 P. 504 | Nashville Tenn Augt 18 1869 Forwards approved application of John A. Edmonson Supt of Pub Inst. for aid to assist in constructing a school house in the 6th Dist (Civil) who states $400. can be raised by subscription and that $600. more will be needed. Encloses copy of Deed of the lot. |

| Augt 23d 1869 #168 * | Tennessee Col C.E. Compton Supt of Education 3 Enclosures Aug 23d Referred to Genl Balloch for settlement Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Nashville Tenn Aug 17, 1869. Encloses vouchers for $75. for material and services rendered in repairing school house at Clarksville Tenn. in favor of Henry Wilcox. |

| Augt 23d 1869 #169 * | Treasury French E.B. 2d Auditor File | Washington Aug 21, 69 Forwards list of Notarys Public noted in that office during the week ending August 21, 1869. |