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| Septr. 18th 1869 #199 * | Tustin, Septemus. D.D. 16th St. bet. H. & I. File. See LB. Vol 5 Sept 22d 1869 | Washington D.C. Septr. 16th 1869. States that his son J P Tustin has been retained by Myers & Dedrick to represent them in certain claims for bounties, & that he would like the Commr. to suggest to the Sec. of War the propriety of appointing an Army officer before whom Messrs Mayers & Dedrick might be able to secure justice &c &c. |

| Septr. 20th #200 * | Texas Welch Joe Supt of Education File | Austin Texas Sept 8th 1869. Forwards list of Civilian employees in Bureau on duty in state of Texas. |

| Septr. 20th #201 * | Tennessee Compton C E Bt Lieut Col & Supt of Ed. 4 Enclosures Two enclosures & letter rec'd back. Aug 8/74. WGP Sept 21st Referred to Chief D.O. | Nashville Tenn Sept 15th 1869. Encloses voucher in favor of J D Bowes & Co. for material furnished for the construction of school house at Alexandria Tenn amt'g to $250. |

| Septr 21st #202 * | Treasury Department Boutwell Geo S Secretary File See M138. T238 & 236 Copy furnished Capt Pease Supt of Ed for Miss Sept 22nd 1869. L.B. vol 5 Septr. 18th & Octr. 30 '69. filed with T.246, vol 15 '69. | Washington DC Sept 20th 1869. Informs the Commissioner that as soon as Drs W D Stewart & J.S. Billings Spcl Agents present their report of examination of Marine Hosptl at Natchez Miss he will determine as to the disposal of the same. |

| Sept 21st #203 | Treasury Dept French E B. 2nd Auditor Sept 22d Referred to Wm. P. Drew Chief of Claim Division | Washington DC Sept 20th 1869 Forwards list of Notaries Public noted in that office during the week ending Sept 18th 1869. |

| September 22d 1869 #204. * | Texas Welch Joseph Supt of Education File See LB vol 5 Sept 22d 1869 | Austin Texas Septr. 13th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of comn. of 1st inst. Asks if he is to understand it to mean that they are to receive to that amt in addition to all contracts approved on that date whether any payments have been made on the same or not. States that he desires to confer with Mr Alvord & Genl C.H. Howard on school matters & requests that he ordered to Washington for instructions & if the order be granted, to be notified by telegraph with the dispatch of the approval of the Contracts for Galveston & Houston. Also that he has written Genl C.H. Howard of his desires to erect here at Chicago to arrange the financial matters &c of his District. |

| Sept 25th #205 | Treasury Department 3rd Auditors Office Septr. 25th Referred to CQM Sept 27" Rec'd back with report. EB p 543. Vol 5. | Washington DC 1869. Statement of differences of Bureau Store received & issued by Capt Saml Gold Agent &c at Millikens Bend La in June 1866. Returns must be furnished to account for 2 horses as remaining on hand. |

| Septr. 27th #206 | Treasury Department D A Wells Spcl Comnr. of the Revenue 4 Enclosures Copies referred to Genl E Whittlesey  Maj D.G. Swaim  Bt Capt Sladen  Genl Balloch.  Genl O O Howard | Washington D.C. Sept 25th 1869. Desires the experience of professional men, and persons living on fixed salaries, in investigating the change in prices, and increase and distribution of wealth since 1860-1. Asks question in regard to the expenses of living since 1860-1. |