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| October 20th 1869 #230 | Treasury Department E B French 2nd Auditor 1 Enclosure Oct 20th Referred Wm P Drew Chief of Claim Division | Washington DC Oct 19th 1869 States that it has been asserted that the present payment of the claims of colored discharged soldiers is necessary to secure their votes in Mississippi in November. Has been directed to send certificates retained on a/c of suspension of Attys filing the claims to this Bu for payment the fees of such Atty to be retained subject to the action had in the case of suspension. Such certificates will be forwarded at once to the Bureau RF & AL, and cooperation with our friends is requested. |

| Oct 21st #231 | Tennessee Bt Lieut Col C E Compton Supt of Education 1 Enclosure Oct 22d Referred to Chief QM for examination of deed Oct 28th Recd back See EB p 577 vol 5 | Nashville Tenn Oct 18th 1869 Requests an appropriation of $200 to aid in erection of a school house at Waverly Humphries Co Tenn. Encloses deed of land to Trustees. The labor will be performed by the colored people |

| Oct 21st #232 | Tennessee Col C E Compton Supt of Education 2 Enclosures Oct 22d Returned Expenditure authorized | Nashville Tenn Oct 19th 1869 Requests authority to purchase a table for use in his office cost not to exceed $10 |

| Oct 21st #233 | Tennessee Col C E Compton Supt of Education 1 Enclosure see T259 Oct 22d Referred to Chief QM for examination of deed Oct 26th Recd back & returned appd. See EB. p 2. vol 6. | Nashville Tenn Oct 18th 1869 Requests an appropriation of $200 to aid in erecting a school house at Charlotte, Dickson Co Tenn. Encloses deed of land to Trustees. |

| October 14th 1869 #234 | Terry J D Custom House T.238. See P.L.B. vol 6. Oct 15, 1869 | New York Oct 11th 1869 In reply to enquiry gives his Military history and states that he served in the Bureau under Genl Saxton. Encloses letter of recommendation |

| Oct 16th #235 | Terry J.D. Custom House T 234 | New York Oct 15th 1869 States that he was awarded a Medal of honor in the army, by the Secty of War. |

| Oct 28th #236 | Treasury Department A.B. Mullett Supervising Architect L.B. vol. 5. Septr. 18th & Octr. 30 '69. see T 202 & 238. M 138 Filed with T.246 vol. 15 '69. | Washington D.C. Oct 27 1869 States that the Dept has decided to dispose of the Marine Hospital Buildings at Vicksburg & Natchez Miss Wilmington & Ocracoke Inlet No. Ca. Understood that they could probably be used by the Bureau RF & AL, and thinks that the Secretary would be willing to make some arrangements by which they could be transferred to the Bureau at a moderate cost. Asks if the Commissioner desires to investigate this matter. |

| Oct 29th #237 | Texas Joseph Welch Supt of Education Oct 30th Referred to Ch Qr Mr | Austin Texas Oct 18th 1869 Forwards copies of original papers relative to sale of Confederate States Property at Tyler, Texas. The original papers are supposed to have been lost - with the mails last winter, between Austin & Benham. The property was sold to Mrs McQueen. Requests that the deed be sent in his care. | 

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 143