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| October 30th 1869 #238. * | Treasury Department A.B. Mullett Supervising Architect See LB Vol 5 Sept 18, & Oct 30th 1869. See T202, M138, T236. Filed with T.246 vol 15 '69 | Washington DC Oct 29th 1869 Desires to see the Commissioner with reference to Marine Hospital and other public building in the South, the disposition of which is now under consideration at the Treasury Department. |

| Nov 1st #239 | Tennessee. Col. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education T219 Enclosed. Nov. 1st Referred to C.Q.M. Nov. 3d Recd back. E.B. Vol 6. p. 11. | Nashville Octr. 28th '69. Forwards Contract in triplicate for repairs of school house at Winchester Tenn. for examination & approval. |

| Nov. 1st #240 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. 2 Enclo. Nov. 1st Referred to J.W. Alvord Supt. Education | Nashville Octr 28th 1869. Forwards vouchers in favor of Protestant Episl. Commn. of Home Missions for colored people, for $30. for rent of school building under charge of said society at Bolivar Tenn. for Qr. ending June 30 '69. Sends also schedule of schools, together with certificate showing Benj. J. Haight to be authorized to receive moneys due the Assn. |

| Nov. 5th #241 * | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt. Education. Nov. 5th Referred to C.D.O. Recd back & filed Feby 9 75. WGP | Nashville Tenn. November 1st 1869. Forwards vouchers for $49.29 for journey performed by him on public business. |

| Novr 5th #242 | Tennessee C.E. Compton, Supt. Education. Nov. 5th Referred to CQM for examination. Nov. 6th Recd. back. EB. vol 6 p. 15. | Nashville Tenn. November 1st 1869. Forwards for exm'n. & approval contract with J.B. Payne for construction of school house at London Tenn. for $420. |

| Nov. 5th 1869. #243 | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt. Education. Nov. 5th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination | Nashville Novr. 1st 1869 Forwards for exm'n. & approval contract with Geo. Monteith & Co. for school furniture to Lookout Mountain Institution. |

| Nov. 5. #244 | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt. Education. Nov. 5th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination Nov. 8th Recd. back E.B. vol 6. p. 15. | Nashville Nov. 1st 1869. Forwards for examination & approval contract with H.W. Key for construction of school house at Roscois, Sumner Co. Tenn. |

| Nov. 8th #245 * | Tennessee. C.E. Compton Supt. Education. Nov. 9th Referred to C.D.O. Recd back & filed Feby 6, 75 WGP | Nashville Tenn. November 3rd 1869. Forwards vouchers in favor of Galloway, Beaver & Co. amtg to $50.48 for repairs on Union Hill School house, Fayette Co. Tenn. |

| Nov. 8th #246 * | Treasury Department. A.B. Mullett. Supervising Architect. Copy furnished Supt. Edn. Miss T202, 236, 238 & 247 filed together File | Washington D.C. November 6th 1869. In reply to Commrs. commn. of Oct. 30th States that Marine Hospital & grounds at Vicksburg & Natchez Miss. & Wilmington & Ocracoke Inlet N.C. will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Information as to the time of sale &c. will shortly be furnished. |

| Nov. 9th #247 * | Treasury Department. Geo. S. Boutwell. Secretary. Filed with T.246. vol 15 '69. | Washington D.C. Novr. 6th 1869. States that the Marine Hospital Buildings at Natchez Miss. will be sold at public auction, notice of which will be given in the papers of that City. |

| Nov. 9th 1869 #248 * | Treasury Department B.B. Fench File | Washington D.C. Nov. 8th 1869. Refers to the Commr. Mrs Roswell C. Bowles of this city, who is anxious to get her husband back to N.C. from whence he was driven by rebels &c. |